Describe the different relevant social groups that use that technology, and how each of their perceptions of that technology differ (or where they are the same).

Choose any technology that you interact with on a regular basis and discuss how it contains elements of interpretative flexibility (defined in the Pinch and Bijker reading from Thursday wk1, as well as in the Kline and Pinch reading from Tuesday wk2). Describe the different relevant social groups that use that technology, and how each […]

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Given your instructor’s feedback and considering how the financial markets have changed since you submitted your Financial Analysis assignment, how would you refine or update your assessment of the organization’s current performance and financial strategies?

In a paper of approximately 1,500 words, revisit the strategic alternatives and financial analysis recommendations that offer the greatest opportunities to add value to your firm and assess the risks of each. Use the information you have learned about American Express Company’s business model, industry, competition, and target market in conjunction with the feedback you […]

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The future of archaeology is somewhat up in the air. Why is this so? What are some of the challenges as well as opportunities that professional archaeologists face?

Description 1. 1200-1500 words (about 6 pages), and should include information from the readings or other outside research, at least 4-5 sources from class readings or the library (NEVER WIKIPEDIA! And be careful with other websites like  and of that ilk). Please note all sources, include a bibliography, and be consistent with your citation style […]

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Identify and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the public and private sectors that collaborated during thepreparedness and response phases to the affected states.Based on the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013.

Identify and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the public and private sectors that collaborated during the preparedness and response phases to the affected states.Based on the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013, identify and discuss some of the legislative actions to improve emergency preparedness and response.In your opinion, did the changes identified in the […]

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Discuss the use of information technology by Middle Eastern terrorist groups and how “Netwar” has become an emerging mode of conflict and crime.

An increasing number of terrorist groups are relying on information technology to support their organizational structures. It is also being used for organizational networking, offensive warfare, and defensive strategies. Discuss the use of information technology by Middle Eastern terrorist groups and how “Netwar” has become an emerging mode of conflict and crime. What is “techno […]

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