Consider Russell’s views on western attitudes towards sex in the 1930’s. Has western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent?

Consider Russell’s views on western attitudes towards sex in the 1930’s. Has western society followed Russell’s advice, and to what extent? Is society still too prude and irrational about sex, or has it become too sexually liberal? Give reasoning to support your answers. Is this the question you were looking for? If so, place your […]

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Discuss the different states of consciousness that you have experienced in the past 24 hours, including any periods when you were asleep, alert, or “daydreaming.”

Psychologists have discovered that human beings experience several different states of consciousness during the course of a day. For example, people have times when they are especially alert and times when they are awake but not alert, often called “daydreaming.” Also, while people are asleep, they experience different stages of sleep, each characterized by different […]

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Briefly explain how the author of “What is White Privilege Really?”Links to an external site.Cory Collins differentiates between bias and racism. How does he explain they differ, and how do they relate to each other.

1) First, briefly explain how the author of “What is White Privilege Really?”Links to an external site.Cory Collins differentiates between bias and racism. How does he explain they differ, and how do they relate to each other. 2) Next, quote a passage of one to four sentences long from “What is White Privilege Really?”Links to […]

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What is desire? why people desire what they desire? how do psychologists see desire? what is the relation between desire, unconscious, repression, and self-mastery and self-discovery?

Description what is desire? why people desire what they desire? how do psychologists see desire? what is the relation between desire, unconscious, repression, and self-mastery and self-discovery? do the lidinal drives create happiness amd freedom? dig into related concepts like meaning, free will, sex and sexuality, existence..etc Is this the question you were looking for? […]

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