How does racial capitalism order and divide people according to hierarchies within your map? What are the impacts of these orderings and divisions upon people and non-people (animals, environments etc)?

Option A: A Map of Racial Capitalism and East Asia Map one circuit of racial capitalism that we covered in this class. What places connect to each other? Why did you decide to connect these specific places to each other? How does racial capitalism order and divide people according to hierarchies within your map? What […]

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In which cell do you believe Coca-Cola Company belongs? Defend your answer.?

List the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Coca-Cola Company that you identified in the Module 2 Case assignment. Review the SWOT Analysis Diagram (Slide 4 of the Grand Strategy Selection Matrices PowerPoint presentation). In which cell do you believe Coca-Cola Company belongs? Defend your answer. Next, using the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix (Slide 7), determine the grand […]

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Define for your coworkers what effective writing is. Share with your coworkers at least three effective writing strategies the author of the sample article uses in the article.

SCENARIO: Imagine that you currently are a professional working in your career field. Your supervisor has noted you have strong reading comprehension and writing skills and has asked that you assist your coworkers who are struggling with these important skills. She has asked you to write a company newsletter to an audience of your co-workers, […]

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Are there tariffs? Subsidies? Import Quotas? Currency controls? Antidumping rules? It is a free trade zone? Administrative policies that make importing difficult?

Imagine that you work for a large, global company (Power!) that builds power plants for electricity. The power industry has a long-term perspective and requires stable, reliable countries in order to make Foreign Direct Investments. You are assigned to evaluate the following countries for a long-term investment: South Africa, Nigeria, Algeria, and Kenya. Go over […]

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Identify five letters that speak to you, personally. In your reflection, explain what Seneca is saying and why the letter could just have easily been written to you.

students will read the Letters of Seneca (sometimes called the epistles – “epistle” is another word for letter). Identify five letters that speak to you, personally. In your reflection, explain what Seneca is saying and why the letter could just have easily been written to you. Is this the question you were looking for? If […]

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Discuss the role of human choice in this theory. Specifically, if the outcome of persuasion only has to do with the discrepancy between the message and the anchor point, to what extent are humans free to make up their own minds?

1) Provide a reflection of social judgement theory. Clearly explain and define the theory, as well as it’s use as a theory of influence. 2) Sherif states that “most dramatic cases of attitude change, the most widespread, and enduring, are those involving changes in reference groups with differing values.” Paraphrase what Sherif means. Why do […]

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