Using the SOSTAC planning framework (Smith and Taylor) ,Write an integrated marketing communications campaign based on launching a new product or service (this does not need to be a real product or service) for a real company of your choice based in a country of your choice.

The assignment will contribute 100% of the assessment. It will be in the form of a business report; it should comprise no more than 4,000 words. The appendices for your assignment must not exceed 15 pages. Assignment aim The aim of the assignment is to show your understanding of a number of marketing communications concepts […]

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DESCRIBE THE GLOBAL ISSUE: What happened? Why is this issue important? Why should nation states care about this issue?

*Identify one significant global issue (e.g., HR violations, nuclear proliferation, climate change…) and analyze one int’l institution (INGO/multilateral agreements) that addresses this issue. -DESCRIBE THE GLOBAL ISSUE: What happened? Why is this issue important? Why should nation states care about this issue? -ANALYZE THE INSTITUTION: What progress has been made? What challenges are left to […]

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Define autochthonus and allochthonous. Give one example of an autochthonous AND one example of allochthonous input into an ecosystem of your choice (e.g., Florida Bay, Everglades, the city of Miami, etc.)

1. Measure one bush, one palm plant, and one leafy plant. (6 pts) 2. Define autochthonus and allochthonous. Give one example of an autochthonous AND one example of allochthonous input into an ecosystem of your choice (e.g., Florida Bay, Everglades, the city of Miami, etc.) (6 pts) 3. Define Liebig’s law of minimum. (6 pts) […]

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