Evaluate the key differences between MSG-2 and MSG-3. As a maintenance manager. what was the operational impact of adopting the MSG-3 approach to maintenance?

1. Evaluate the key differences between MSG-2 and MSG-3. As a maintenance manager. what was the operational impact of adopting the MSG-3 approach to maintenance? 2. Provide an example of when an operator might need to change the basic maintenance program/inspection intervals for tasks. Outline the steps that must be followed to execute the change. […]

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Explain the role of microorganisms in causing infectious diseases.

explain the role of microorganisms in causing infectious diseases; explain how infectious diseases can be transmitted and discuss specific examples; evaluate the factors which increase the risk of contracting infectious diseases, and how this risk can be reduced; identify the advantages and dangers in the use of antibiotics. Format: Word limit is 1000 words. References […]

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