Summary Analysis of “most pressing issue”

Summary Analysis of “most pressing issue” There is a Current Events Journal that will be provided in the Additional Materials section. It will consist of 4-5 current event journal entries from Thailand dating between September-November of this year, 2014. Select one of those current events Write a 3 to 4 page summary analysis of what […]

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Investments & jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area startup economy

Investments & jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area startup economy 1. Please briefly answer the following background questions: a) What are angel investors, and angel investors clubs? b) What is crowdfunding? c) What is an accredited investor? d) What is the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (or JOBS) Act of 2012? e) What are […]

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Robbery / White collar Crimes

Robbery / White collar Crimes Instructions for Term Paper Robbery ROBBERY White collar crime Each student will be assigned a topic in violence and choose a theory to explain that topic. Each student will write a 5-8 page research paper about the topic and theory. The page length does not include the title page or […]

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One Hundred Years of Solitude

One Hundred Years of Solitude Research Questions Using Colombia as the country and the book of One Hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez a Colombian writer; as he uses his book’s story to describe Colombia’s social and government development answer the following questions in this research paper: 1. What are the principal political, […]

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Rwanda’s Untold Story

Rwanda’s Untold Story   Write a roughly 400 word response essay after you have watched the documentary. Submit it here. In this essay, please: 1.) Summarize what happened in the documentary. 2.) Identify what you consider to be the main argument or lesson the filmmakers were trying to make with this documentary (whether or not […]

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Core Assessment Assignment for LE300R

Core Assessment Assignment for LE300R The Core Assessment for LE300R, The Ethics and Psychology of Humor in Popular Culture, must meet Park University’s Core Assessment requirements for LE300 Integrative and Interdisciplinary Capstone courses. The core assessment assignment is a paper that covers 100% of the Core Learning Outcomes (which are listed in our syllabus). The […]

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Paper Five Title

Paper Five Title Paragraph 1 is the INTRODUCTION paragraph, called a “Review of a Controversy.” To write the Review, A) briefly define the problem, B) give each author’s name (if you wish, alphabetize by authors’ last names), source titles, and the three (3) to six (6) solutions you will discuss and REJECT in the BODY […]

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The social construction of god

The social construction of god In the vast majority of societies there is a segment of the population (either small or large) that believes in god(s). Yet, if we look across societies the beliefs are quite different. For some there is one god, for others there are many. For some, god is male and for […]

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Gene Therapy

Gene Therapy Write a 4-6 page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your paper into sections corresponding to the following requirements: 1. Biological basis. Describe the technology. Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this section of the paper is to show the instructor that […]

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Commentary and analysis

Commentary and analysis Paper IV is to be a commentary/analysis in the vein of Lili Loofbourow’s piece. I’d like you to choose a humanities work (an art piece, a film, a book, a short story, a poem or collection of poetry, a song, an album, a dance recital, something of architectural significance–see me about those […]

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