Automotive Designer

Automotive Designer For this assignment you are to write a 5-6 page paper (1,250-1,500 words) in response to the following prompt: How has the profession of Automotive Designer been defined and discussed historically? Is it all about styling, or is a practical and/or theoretical understanding of engineering essential? What role does research play in the […]

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Conversation between Teachers

Conversation between Teachers In 250 words, write a dialogue between two teachers who are discussing the following concepts: The value of understanding and applying educational psychology in your practice and classroom. How research can inform educational practice with an example of a particular theory and its benefit in the classroom. Conversation between Teachers Is this […]

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Globalization and the west

Globalization and the west You can write on a topic of your choice that relates to some aspect my course Western Civilization. Or you can do my suggestion. Globalization and the west suggestion: Globalization after the Cold War and where we are now. EXPLAIN the continued relevance of the colonial past in shaping the politics, […]

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One Essay per Question

One Essay per Question (length is up to you-just make sure you completely and thoroughly answer the questions in the prompts) 1. Carefully formulate Hume’s argument for why we cannot have knowledge of any matters of fact beyond our immediate sensations and memories. 2. Compare and contrast Kant’s deontological view with mill’s Utilitarian view in […]

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any topic to do with Law enforcement

any topic to do with Law enforcement Research Design Paper Outline I. Literature Review A. Minimum of 5 scholarly journal articles B. Must clearly outline problem and why a study is needed C. At least full 3 pages, margins 1 inch all sides, title page separate II. Hypothesis A. Based on literature review B. Following […]

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Decision Making in health care

Decision Making in health care You are the administrator of a 200-bed acute-care facility located in a medium-sized city somewhere in the Midwest. Your hospital provides the normal array of services and you think your management team does a good job. Acting on a suggestion from a staff member, you decide to ask your marketing […]

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Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace Include the place and time period that s/he lived. Did the time, place, or people influence him/her? Did it influence the circumstances? What were the reasons s/he chose to study mathematics? Was their choice a challenge and/or influenced by the events and/or ways people lived at the time? What field(s) of math did […]

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The impact of Information Technology in business enterprise

The impact of Information Technology in business enterprise Cover Page Table of Contents Abstract Brief Company background Discussion of business problem(s) High level solution Benefits of solving the problem Business/technical approach Business process changes Technology or business practices used to augment the solution Conclusions and overall recommendations High-level implementation plan Summary of project References Appendices […]

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quality of life VS money

quality of life VS money the sources should be four different kinds of source.1:1of these should be a scholarly journal article. 2:1 of these should be a book source. 3:1 of these should be a newspaper or magazine article 4: 1 of these should be a website. quality of life VS money Is this the […]

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the company of wolves

the company of wolves Task: Write a 4-6 page essay that explores how Angela Carter, in “The Company of Wolves,” updates the conservative morals of the traditional Little Red Riding Hood story (using the versions by Perrault and the Brothers Grimm). Make sure that you include a specific and thorough discussion of how each story […]

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