
Luo This should be a one-half page (approximately 250-word) response. It should not be a summary, but an essay on your intellectual and emotional reactions to the book. This essay should be submitted before you continue on in the course in order to receive feedback that will help improve your future essays. For more detailed […]

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Objectification of women in Donne’s poetry

Objectification of women in Donne’s poetry Value: 15% of your final grade You will write a 2000-2250 word (8-9 page), double-spaced research paper on the work of one of the following writers we are studying this term: Geoffrey Chaucer (The Miller’s Tale), John Donne (selected poems, primarily ones we study in class), John Milton (Paradise […]

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‘Smile’ for Transparency in Dave Eggers’ the Circle

‘Smile’ for Transparency in Dave Eggers’ the Circle write an essay on a book I am still reading called The Circle by Dave Eggers. It follows a young lady, Mae Hollande, age 24, a dubious intellect who is hired by the Circle out of college, after one brief stint in the real world that leaves […]

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narration the final PowerPoint presentation will include an audio narration, which you will record either slide-by-slide with a tool such as Nanogong or all at once directly into the presentation. The course contains a tutorial on the use of Nanogong and links to Atomic Learning videos on recording audio into Microsoft PowerPoint. Presentations must be […]

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Topic #1= Philosophy of Human Nature

Topic #1= Philosophy of Human Nature In this essay you will evaluate different theories of human nature. You will compare and contrast two philosophical positions which we have analyzed this semester. You will present objections and responses to these philosophical positions and you will evaluate which one is superior. Finally, you will have the opportunity […]

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Design and build a network from scratch:

Design and build a network from scratch: ■ Your design must include a minimum of one router, one switch, and one PC. ■ Fully configure the network. Use IPv4 or IPv6 (subnetting must be included as a part of your addressing scheme). ■ Verify the network using at least five show commands. Design and build […]

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Investment Opportunity Set for a Two Asset Portfolio

Investment Opportunity Set for a Two Asset Portfolio Your case study report will provide an overview (not detailed step-by-step instructions) of the process used to create the investment opportunity set and provide an analysis regarding the resulting investment opportunity set you created. In addition to describing the steps and providing exhibits to illustrate the creation […]

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Developments in Mongol-Ming China

Developments in Mongol-Ming China Part One: identifecation: Identify at least 20 of the following IDs indicating their significance and historical context and insert them into your essay in Part Two. 1. Chinggis Khan (1167-1227) 2. Yelu Chucai (1189-1243) 3. Jin, Shitan 4. Kublai Khan (r.1260-1294) Beijing, Yuan Dynasty 5. Class system 6. Toghto (d.1256) 7. […]

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Ethical Issues in Using Pirated Software

Ethical Issues in Using Pirated Software Recommended Outline • Introduction • Description of the Dilemma • Analysis of Issues o Fully explain the complexities of the topic and why it is challenging or why there is not a clear conclusion or decision o May include a “Yes”, “No” type of evaluation or an listing of […]

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teams and groups in business

teams and groups in business read Text book, print journal and web based sources on teams and groups in business and come up with a literature review. the following text book is preferred: Title:Organisational Behaviour 8th edition Author:Buchanan et al 2013 Published by: Pearson all referencing must follow Harvard referencing convention     Is this […]

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