FOR NITKKR ONLY Write a 3 – 5 page essay that addresses the following:Briefly discuss the history and evolution of the juvenile justice system. Some contend it is outdated and ineffective. Include at least three milestones in the evolution of the juvenile justice system, and three or more examples of significance of the historical evolution.Each […]

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PowerPoint How effective are the following prevention strategies in successfully rehabilitating the juvenile delinquent? What treatment strategies might be used with these prevention strategies?Electronic monitoringJuvenile intensive probation supervisionBoot campsJuvenile institutionsCreate a PowerPoint® presentation (4-7 slides) explaining the pros and cons of each strategy, and its overall statistical success. You must use at least 2 outside […]

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For Expertsolution

For Expertsolution Write a 3 to 5 page paper that investigates one of the following questions:There is a strong connection between abuse and delinquency. Numerous studies have linked child abuse and neglect to juvenile crime. Examine this association and offer possible remedies.Juvenile gangs have become a serious and growing problem in many areas throughout the […]

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For Florence CJ150 Anaysis Essay

For Florence CJ150 Anaysis Essay Write a 3 – 5 page essay that addresses the following:Assess the similarities (plea bargaining, appeals, right to hearings, right against self- incrimination, due process, etc) and differences (rehabilitation efforts/ initiatives, juvenile court proceedings, leniency of evidence, confidentiality of records, etc) between the adult justice system and the juvenile justice […]

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For Florence

For Florence Write a 3 – 5 page essay that addresses the following:Briefly discuss the history and evolution of the juvenile justice system. Some contend it is outdated and ineffective. Include at least three milestones in the evolution of the juvenile justice system, and three or more examples of significance of the historical evolution.Each year, […]

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Essay Urgent Please

Essay Urgent Please Write an essay explaining what methods of treatment work best to reduce recidivism among juveniles. Include your own individual seven-point plan detailing what kind of prevention program you think will work to prevent juveniles from coming into contact with the juvenile justice system.The seven-point plan should cover the following points:Target population/ Type […]

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Write a 700- to 1,050-word journal entry from the perspective of your selected juvenile offender.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word journal entry from the perspective of your selected juvenile offender. Write a 700- to 1,050-word journal entry from the perspective of your selected juvenile offender. Address the following in your assignment:• Describe the process the juvenile will follow after arrest—from intake, through court, sentencing, and punishment or rehabilitation from the […]

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Lit. Analysis- Annotated bibliography

Lit. Analysis- Annotated bibliography LITERATURE ANALYSIS: TOPIC IDENTIFICATION & BIBLIOGRAPHY TEMPLATE (Use the following template for the completion of this assignment. Delete highlighted material and replace with your own material) Proposed Topic: In one sentence tell the reader what you plan on researching. Proposed Thesis Statement: Graduate writing cannot be “A” quality without a thesis […]

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I HAVE TUTOR APAtutor Find a local program for teen runaways (city or county based) (Atlanta, Ga )and a state-level program to use for your Assignment. You need only discuss two programs.Create an 8–12 slide PowerPoint® presentation incorporating speaker notes to include the following:•Identify three components of the diversionary programs and initiatives within the programs […]

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Powerpoint slide DR.RICK

Powerpoint slide DR.RICK In the context of juvenile delinquency, treatment and prevention take on two different meanings. Treatment is reactive in nature, providing remedies for issues and conditions already present. Prevention, on the other hand, is proactive in nature, concentrating on eliminating or reducing the commission of certain conduct or the presence of certain situations.Create […]

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