Essay #1: Critical, Close Reading essay writing services

Length & InText
Citations for Essay #1:
● Worth 150 points. Please follow the “Essay #1 Grading Rubric.”
● See the Canvas calendar and/or course schedule for due dates.
● 34
FULL doublespaced
typed pages with at least three direct quotations with MLA intext
citations (not including your Works Cited Page or Writer’s Memo). If your paper does not
meet the minimum page length requirement or grammar mistakes inhibit the reading and
understanding of your paper, the highest grade you can earn is 75%.
● Your paper must be in proper MLA format (1inch
margins, 12 point Times New Roman font,
● You also need a Works Cited Page in correct MLA format.
● Please include a “Writer’s Memo” (either a halfpage
Word document or a 23
min. video).
Think of your “Writer’s Memo” as a personal letter to me. Questions to think about: What are
your favorite aspects of your paper? What are your writing goals for the semester? What are
some of the strengths of your paper? What areas do you still need to work on (or what did you
have trouble with?)? Attach your “Writer’s memo,” Works Cited Page, and “Essay #1” in the
“Assignments” tab on Canvas – follow the link in Module 2.
Have a clear, focused, and unique argument and a creative title; do not summarize; identify the novel
and author’s full name in your introductory paragraph; support your argument with appropriate
evidence and citations; avoid evaluation or judgment (agree/disagree, like/dislike) in favor of analysis;
use clear, concrete prose, avoid grammatical and spelling errors; use proper MLA format; and engage
your readers! Also, you can develop your essay from one of your discussion posts if you would like.
1. CHARACTER ANALYSIS: Develop an arguable and unique thesis about one character.
1. Character & Thesis: Choose one of the characters from this module’s novel and make one
statement that you believe to be true about her or him. Remember your thesis must be arguable and
persuasive meaning it cannot be factual. For example: “______ is the main character in the novel” is a
factual statement and cannot be a thesis statement. On the other hand, “_____ is a significant character
in the novel because of _______ character trait” would be an arguable thesis. Develop a specific
thesis. The possibilities are endless. Be creative. Choose a character who you are invested in. Choose
three moments from the text that support your argument.
2. Support: Next, you must find three scenes, moment of dialogue, symbols, etc. from the text that
you will analyze and use as support for the argument that you are making about your chosen character.
All three moments must have a common/repetitive thread and support the claim that you are making
about your character.
2. THEME: Develop an arguable and unique thesis about one theme.
1. Theme & Thesis: Choose one theme and make one statement that you believe to be true about that
theme. The more focused your thesis, the easier this paper will be to write. Detail exactly what it is you
want to argue about your theme. Remember your thesis must be arguable and persuasive meaning it
cannot be factual. Develop a specific thesis. The possibilities are endless. Be creative. Choose a
theme that you are invested in. Choose three moments that support your argument.
2. Support: After you have chosen your theme and determined your argument, find three scenes,
moments of dialogue, symbols, etc. from the text to analyze and use as support for your argument
about theme. Remember, all three moments must have a common/repetitive thread and support the
claim that you are making about your theme.

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