environment analysis, SWOT analysis of IBM

This is a group report, my part is environment analysis and SWOT analysis, we have already chose the company of IBM, please based on the situation of IBM and theory to analysis.
I will upload the “requirement” and “lecture notes” to you, please don’t cope it. Thanks.





3.1.1    An overview of the macro-environment (including social responsibility and ethical aspects) in which the organisation is operating


3.1.2     Identification of the element(s} of PEST having impacts for the plan


3.1.3     Assessment of the impacts of the identified element{s) in specific terms


3.2      An analysis of the total and target markets, and associated market trends


3.3      An analysis of the competitive environment identifying the main rivals in the market and their positions and m<

activities (market share,profitability and marketing mix policies)


3 4      An analysis of the overall industry'” which the organisation operates in terms of its structure. performance ar trends


3.5     An analysis of the organisation’s resource base in financial,l technological and HR terms.




internal SWOT analysis


4.1,identification and analysis of the major strengths of the organisation


4.1.2  Identification and analysis of the major weaknesses of the organisation


4.2     External SWOT analysis


4.2.1 Identification and analysis of the current and potential major threat(s) facing the organisation


4.2.2 Identification and analysis of the major opportunities that the organisation can exploit.


4.3      Impact  analyse s of SWOT


4.3.1 Identification of the impacts of SWOT on the organisation


4.3.2  Analyse s of the impacts of SWOT on the operation and policies strategies of the organisational


This is a group report, my part is environment analysis and SWOT above, we have already chose the company of IBM, please based on the situation of IBM and theory to analysis.

Outline lecture notes:

  1. An Interactive overview of International Marketing
  2. Global Economic Environment
  3. Global cultural environment
  4. Topic: Global Political and Legal Forces
  5. Topic: Global Marketing Research
  6. Topic: Global market entry
  7. Topic: Global marketing strategy


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