electric circuits1
electric circuits1
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ElEl502J011 2: Assigmtrent I -PartA Choose at least one ansrvef. :$Marks:1 hftp ://usqstudydesk.usq. eduau/mo dl qnzl atre;tnpt.plpl? id:45 1266 Assignmentl,PartA Page: 12 3 4 (Next) I For a 4000 series CMOS logic gate (eg. a011), wfrich of the following input vottages rlrould be Marks: 1 considered, by the gate, as a logic low (‘0’), if the pourersupply for tte gate was 15v? -.f r: a.6.5V fl b. 10.0v itT c.2.0v n d.3.5V+ -q 2 For a stand’ard LS series ttt ‘ol”‘n”t” (eg. 74LS00), which of the following input wl@es will be Marks: 1 detennined by tte gate as a logic high (‘1’)? f ihoose* m a.z.zv .ieast one ” answer, ‘.8 b3’0V 1*$fk r* il c.1S-b’V–‘ ? ‘ ‘s “+’ :!’ -i d.3’0v . O&ulate=thevolts’rcross the 47k resistor. (Assume units will be in V.,. so don’t include frem.) Answer: ofl 1710812011 I l:44 AM -#”
81502 20ll 2: Assignment I -partA h@: //usqstudydeskusq.eduar/mo d/qwz/auenpt.php?q:475 g g&page: 1 4 Calculate the total capâŹrcitance (Cror) of the connected capacitorc shown. (Assume that the answer is Marks: 1 in uF .. so do not include the units in the answer.) ?,Id f,*t -> Ansuler: g 7.. 5 For the resistor circuit sftgwn, deteminq the cunent flowing in the 1 00k resistor. (Give ansrrver in uA Marks:1 without including the i.rnits.) -‘1-5f,–i” i* I + 4 .s “–,’ ?!k Answer 6 A resistor is measured on a Digital Multimeter giving a resistance measurementof 27y.6kohms. The Marks: 1 colour bards on the resistor are -RED, vloLEI glAcrc, oRANGE, BRowN. Does the measurement agree with specification given by the colour bands ? Choose one ,:.l a. Yes answer. t: b. No ! fllr 17/08/2011 l1:46 AM
ELEI5A2 2011 2: Assignment I -Part A http://usqstudydeskusq.eduau/mo d/qnz/attenptphp?q:4758 B&page:2 ,ii.-7 Considering the circuit diagram with the 6.8V zener diode and the standard rectifier diode in parallel, Marks: 1 choose which of the shown cunents are flowing? 15V _ u, ‘to : l*qr’ t -‘t iii Choose one answer. if1. Choose one answer. rt t’.. a.AandB . ‘1 b. None .:-r….
ElEl502J011 2: Assigmtrent I -PartA Choose at least one ansrvef. :$Marks:1 hftp ://usqstudydesk.usq. eduau/mo dl qnzl atre;tnpt.plpl? id:45 1266 Assignmentl,PartA Page: 12 3 4 (Next) I For a 4000 series CMOS logic gate (eg. a011), wfrich of the following input vottages rlrould be Marks: 1 considered, by the gate, as a logic low (‘0’), if the pourersupply for tte gate was 15v? -.f r: a.6.5V fl b. 10.0v itT c.2.0v n d.3.5V+ -q 2 For a stand’ard LS series ttt ‘ol”‘n”t” (eg. 74LS00), which of the following input wl@es will be Marks: 1 detennined by tte gate as a logic high (‘1’)? f ihoose* m a.z.zv .ieast one ” answer, ‘.8 b3’0V 1*$fk r* il c.1S-b’V–‘ ? ‘ ‘s “+’ :!’ -i d.3’0v . O&ulate=thevolts’rcross the 47k resistor. (Assume units will be in V.,. so don’t include frem.) Answer: ofl 1710812011 I l:44 AM -#”
81502 20ll 2: Assignment I -partA h@: //usqstudydeskusq.eduar/mo d/qwz/auenpt.php?q:475 g g&page: 1 4 Calculate the total capâŹrcitance (Cror) of the connected capacitorc shown. (Assume that the answer is Marks: 1 in uF .. so do not include the units in the answer.) ?,Id f,*t -> Ansuler: g 7.. 5 For the resistor circuit sftgwn, deteminq the cunent flowing in the 1 00k resistor. (Give ansrrver in uA Marks:1 without including the i.rnits.) -‘1-5f,–i” i* I + 4 .s “–,’ ?!k Answer 6 A resistor is measured on a Digital Multimeter giving a resistance measurementof 27y.6kohms. The Marks: 1 colour bards on the resistor are -RED, vloLEI glAcrc, oRANGE, BRowN. Does the measurement agree with specification given by the colour bands ? Choose one ,:.l a. Yes answer. t: b. No ! fllr 17/08/2011 l1:46 AM
ELEI5A2 2011 2: Assignment I -Part A http://usqstudydeskusq.eduau/mo d/qnz/attenptphp?q:4758 B&page:2 ,ii.-7 Considering the circuit diagram with the 6.8V zener diode and the standard rectifier diode in parallel, Marks: 1 choose which of the shown cunents are flowing? 15V _ u, ‘to : l*qr’ t -‘t iii Choose one answer. if1. Choose one answer. rt t’.. a.AandB . ‘1 b. None .:-r….
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