Eco-certification for five stars hotels in UK

My university provided me with a manual on bachelor thesis, which I will upload on my account.
I also have various points that need to be added for this thesis. I have a research question alongside other ideas that need to be pointed out in the thesis.
I have to write the bachelor thesis with the help of supervisor, to whom I need to give a research proposal until 10th of April. I also have the points that need to be written about in the research proposal.
I will upload word documents with all this requests in my account (all the information I have from my supervisor)
About the references: I would like to have only vital references from internet sources (lets say no more then 4, but this number is not written in stone)

These are my special requests:


!!! Research question:

  • “Does eco certification of five stars hotels in the UK increase consumer’s demand and/or willingness to pay?”

This is the central idea of the thesis; the research must be based on this question.



Research proposal:

  • I need a research proposal until the 10th of April as well,
  • All the requested information from research proposal should/can be written mot-a-mot in the thesis.
  • It should contain:
    • Information about the eco certification
      • First, about eco certification in general
      • Second, about eco certification in hotels
      • Third, about eco certification in UK
        • In UK how many there are?
        • Which are the most relevant
        • “Green Globe” and “Green Key” are two of the most important eco certification in the world and §they should be mentioned
      • Small part of the literature review
        • Xavier Font is one of the leading authors on this subject
      • The research question
      • Opinion of expected results
      • Methodology
        • Described step by step, how the data is gathered
        • I have an idea on how the data can be gathered, if there is a better way then please use that
          • My own idea of gathering data is: E-mailing questions to managers about their eco certification
          • What are the questions?
        • Control of data gathering
          • Control of my idea: Compare result from own research to general statistical information; if the increasing/decreasing trend is the same for the eco certified hotels as well as the whole hotels then there is no added value of eco certification.



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