e commers.
e commers.
2.Design a simple Web form for an online bill payment that has an input box
for entering a customers number as numeric data.
3.Use some JavaScript to validate the user entry as numeric data only. If the
entry contains non-numeric characters, then the user is prompted to enter
the correct data.
4. If you have time add extra validation like character length must be a 9-digit
customer number.
Business Process Modeling (BPM) is a set of techniques for mapping the
workflow of a business process using flow diagrams. This is a tool used in order
for the e-commerce developer to gain an understanding of the wider business
problem and is related to doing a SWOT Analysis and the use of the Balanced
Scorecard method.
MVC as a design approach has been around for a while and some of the early
papers help us to understand this design approach behind development of ecommerce applications.
David Anderson (2000) suggested in his white paper that MVC design for web
applications provides a manageable and understandable design and architecture
when a large number of people are working on code development. Anderson
(2000) put forward this diagram in Figure 2 to show how MVC relates closely
with a 3-tier client-server architecture, now dominated by use of Web frameworks
(Ruby on Rails, Django, Google apps etc).
Figure 2. Presentation Layer messaging Business Layer to access Persistent storage
1. Business processes need to be modeled before doing an MVC design for an
E-commerce application.
2. Use any flow diagram method or BPM tool to describe the business process
when buying an item from and online store.
3.Choose a Web framework like Ruby on Rails or Django (Python) and spend
1-2 hours downloading and setting up and trying it out.
A series of Python programs that will demonstrate the fundamentals of how
HTTP and Web applications work, using the Python language and its interactive
shell window in IDLE.
Part A Making and serving Web pages via HTTP
1. Download and install Python 2.7.1 from http://python.org/download/ on your
own computer.
2. Create a new folder or directory for this lab or use your current working
3. Download copies of WebPageProfile.py and HTTPServer.py from
the Interact Resources folder for this part of the lab.
4. Run WebPageProfile.py and make a copy of myprofile.html.
5. Open as a file and view with your browser. If you have time then change the
code to make other Web pages.
6. Set up a simple Web server using HTTPServer.py in the same directory
on your computer. This Web server exists as the default localhost on port
8000. This HTTP server will run on Port 8000 as
7. Set up this script in the folder that will contain an index.html file and the
myprofile.html page that you created previously and now view as
8. The current working directory is the root site for the HTTP server. Make a
new folder called business and add a copy or make a new version of
myprofile.html in this folder.
9. Make sure the HTTP server is still running in the Python IDLE window and
test the new URL as
Part B Indexing and searching for information
10. Download copies of webcrawler.py and youtubeSearch.py from the
Interact Resources folder for this part of the lab.
11. Run the Web crawler webcrawler.py and use suade.net as a target.
12. Repeat using csu.edu.au as a target for comparison.
13. It will index both sites for you showing the structure of each site as well as
listing the files, ready to be indexed into a database as the next step. [I call this
Web crawler Goggle as it only gives a limited view of how search engines
14. You may get bored so kill the process or close the IDLE shell and open a new
one with the next exercise.
15. Repeat with other sites if interested.
16. Run the program youtubeSearch.py and enter a search query string for
youtube.com. It will open your browser and search the Youtube site for you.
Try this query: suad
eBay has been so successful because it was the first major Web auction site for
consumers that did not cater to a specific audience and because it advertises
widely, spending more than $800 million each year to market and promote its
Web site. Types of auction systems to investigate are English and Dutch auctions,
but many variants exist and lots of terms to learn such as reverse bid, group
purchasing and lock-in effect.
• First-Price Sealed-Bid Auctions
• Second-Price Sealed-Bid Auctions
• Open-Outcry Double Auctions
• Sealed-Bid Double Auctions
• Reverse (Seller Bid) Auctions (http://www.dubli.org/)
The online auction business model (Figure 4) is changing rapidly as it grows and
three broad categories of auction Web sites have emerged:
1. general consumer auctions: eBay
2. specialty consumer auctions: market specific
3. business-to-business (B2B) auctions:
In general, consumer group purchasing sites have had difficulty attracting sellers’
interest. Few companies selling products that are well suited to group purchasing
efforts have been willing to work with the group purchasing sites.
The growth of eBay and other auction sites has encouraged entrepreneurs to create
businesses that provide Business-to-Business Auctions and auction-related
services of various kinds such as:
• Escrow Services: where buyers use the service to protect their interests.
• Auction Directory and Information Services
• Auction Software: such as Auction Sentry [http://www.auctionsentry.com/]
for streamlining e-bay uses or sniping software for bidding at the last
• Auction Consignment Services16
Figure 4. Integrated Auction Business Model (Schneider, E-commerce, 2009.)
E-auction systems use a database with rapid transaction processing to accept
bids at the last second. That is why bidders use sniper software that automates the
process of placing a bid very close to the auction closing.
This Python script below uses SQLite3 (http://sqlite.org/) as internal data storage.
Visit that site and also read http://docs.python.org/library/sqlite3.html# and
SQLite is a C library that provides a lightweight disk-based database engine that
doesn’t use a separate server process. SQLite allows access to database object
using a nonstandard variant of the SQL query language. SQLite can be used to
prototype an application before porting the code to a larger database such as
Microsoft SQL server, PostgreSQL or Oracle. The pysqlite library may be
obtained at its website: http://code.google.com/p/pysqlite
Windows users can simply download and run the pysqlite binary to install the
product, while SQLite3 comes with the Mac OS systems software. A database
admin tool that includes SQLite is Navicat Lite – available at
1. Describe your thoughts or experiences with e-auctions.
2. Investigate the types of auction software available for your computer.
3. Download from Interact Resources the Python script auctionBid4.py
4. Examine the code and run the program.
5. The sample run may look like this below:17
The Date and Time for this auction bid is: 2010-08-17 12:32:12.745374
Bidder: Ivan Notherbid
Option: BUY
Item: Microwave
QTY: 2
Price: $ 36.48
6. Tinker with the code, learn more about SQLite3, date and time stamping a
transaction and add more items to the auction database of you have time.
7. Report your findings
[L5] Installing Apache Web server or jQuery tutorial
Installing and configuring your own Web server will give you a greater
understanding of how the Web works and greater flexibility when developing an
e-commerce site, a business application and business to business systems.
The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an opensource HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows
NT. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server
that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards. See
Linux, Mac OS or Windows
The principal components of most e-commerce site Web server packages include:
Apache, MySQL and PHP (or Perl or Python, although WAMP includes PHP
exclusively). Other programs may also be included in a package, such as Python,
PERL or phpMyAdmin – a graphical user interface for the MySQL database
Several acronyms exist as a result: LAMP for Linux, WAMP for Windows or
MAMP for Mac OS for www.mamp.info while XAMPP provides for all
platforms at: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
Setting up Apache server on a Windows platform
1.Login to your Windows machine with local administrator rights.
2.Create a folder called D:labslab6 for this activity – any new folder will
do as our Web server folder.
3. Open your browser at this download page at
4. Choose version 2.2.16 Win32 binary MSI installer package or later
(http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi#apache22) and download to the
folder you made at D:labslab6
5. Launch the Apache installation file httpd-2.2.16-win32-x86-
no_ssl.msi and follow the instructions on your screen.
6. At the Installation Wizard dialog box for server information edit:
a. Network Domain: test.com
b. Server name: www.test.com
c. Administrator’s Email Address: admin @test.com
d. Leave radio button: for All users
7. Click next and choose the Setup Type as Typical
8. Follow the instructions with installation until it is finished.
9. Running Apache as a service is best done from the command line as a
console application.19
10. After the installation, the Apache Web server will start as an automatic
service. Check by going to http://localhost or with your
Web browser.
11. You should see the following message: It works!
12. Use a text editor to open index.html which is stored under:
C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache2.2htdocs
13. Edit the page and test your work by re-loading the page again.
14. Read about Using Apache HTTP Server on Microsoft Windows at
15. Apache is configured by the files in the conf subdirectory and the
configuration will httpd.conf.
16. At the command prompt, you can stop and re-start the server after each
edited change to configuration and access files by issues commands like:
a. To stop an Apache service use this: httpd.exe -k stop
or httpd.exe -k shutdown
b. To restart a running service and force it to reread its configuration
file by use: httpd.exe -k restar
Network traffic analysis and wireless network security
Network analysis is the process of capturing network traffic and examining it
closely for problems. A packet sniffer is a hardware device or software that
captures, logs and analyses network traffic. The Network admin staff may perform
network analysis to monitor network use, detect network intrusion attempts, other
violations of network use policies, bottleneck problems and to de-bug any ecommerce or Business to Business communications.
This lab will use Wireshark from http://www.wireshark.org/download.html to
analyse the traffic between your computer and selected remote hosts on the
Internet. Download the Wireshark User’s Guide as a reference from
In addition as an option, you will use a wireless networking tool, NetStumbler,
http://www.netstumbler.com/ to detect the wireless LANs in your neighbourhood.
You may be surprised that many people are NOT running their wireless LAN in
secure mode and are vulnerable to wireless sniffing effects.
For Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard or later, WiFi Scanner is a free 802.11
wireless scanner and connection manager from http://www.wlanbook.com/wifiscanner-v1.1-mac-os-x-snow-leopard/ This will detect access points and clients in
ad-hoc mode if the SSID is being broadcasted. It can be used for wireless site
surveys, wireless discovery, and to connect to wifi networks.
1.Download and install both Wireshark and NetStumbler (or WiFi Scanner
for Mac OS X).
2. Launch the Wireshark program and select Interfaces on the Capture menu.
3. When the window appears, it shows your available network interface cards.
4. Identify the network interface to access the Internet and click on the Start
button to begin capturing network traffic.
5. Perform some tasks with your Web browser – do a Google search, check
your e-mail using a POP3 client like Outlook Exprees or Mozilla
Thunderbird or perform a DNS query using nslookup in the console
6.As you perform these task, packets are generated and received by your
network interface card and captured dynamically for display by Wireshark.
7. When finished, select Stop on the Capture menu or CTRL-E.
8. Scroll through the list in the packet list pane to find the packets
corresponding to your Google searches.
9. Click on some of those packets and examine the details shown in the packet
details pane.
10. Select and expand the displayed protocols and fields in the packet details,
one at a time and the information shown in the packets details and packet
bytes panes.
a. Do you understand the information disclosed?22
b. Can you relate the information to your knowledge of the TCP?IP
protocol suite?
11. You can use display filters to focus your study on a narrow set of sources
such as HTTP traffic only; traffic on port 12345; packets to and from an
12. OPTION: wireless sniffing with NetStumbler:
a. Investigate whether your access point at home is configured to run
in a security mode.
b. What are the available security modes on your access points
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