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Read the Course Readings (files uploaded) & follow APA Guidelines (file uploaded). Answer the question below in your own words & in paragraph form. Do not write introduction & conclusion. You can add additional sentences/paragraphs. You can add additional references. QUESTION: Explain the strategies that 2 companies (Amazon.com & Walmart) you make electronic purchases from use to market products to their customers. Explain the strategies used by Amazon.com & Walmart to market products to their customers. In addition, compare the strategies the 2 companies (Amazon.com & Walmart) use to those used by the companies that sell to other businesses. Finally, compare the IT components and systems (e.g., security, payment) for the business-to-consumer and business-to-business e-commerce models.



The first sentence in each paragraph should transition from the previous paragraph and summarize the main point in the paragraph. Make sure each paragraph contains only one topic, and when you see yourself drifting to another idea, make sure you break into a new paragraph. Also, avoid long paragraphs (more than three fourths of a page) to help hold readers’ attention—many shorter paragraphs are better than a few long ones. In short, think: new idea, new paragraph.


  1. Main Idea:Your topic sentence stating the concrete claim the paragraph is advancing.

1.1. Placement:  The topic sentence does not have to be the first sentence in the paragraph; however, it should come early in the paragraph in order to orient the reader to the paragraph’s focus right away. Occasionally a writer may place a transition sentence before the topic sentence, to create continuity between topics.

Topic Sentence to begin paragraph: In the novel Sula, Morrison uses the physical bonds of female friendship to propel her characters into self-awareness.

Transition Sentence + Topic Sentence to begin paragraph: However, Morrison does not only use the emotional and spiritual bonds between her female characters to initiate their coming-of-age. In addition, the author uses the physical bonds of female friendship to propel her adolescent protagonists into self-awareness.

1.2. Specificity:  Your topic sentence should be more narrowly focused than your thesis sentence, and you will want to make sure the claim you are making can be supported, argued, and analyzed within the body of your paragraph.

Example: In the novel Sula, Morrison uses the physical bonds of female friendship to propel her characters into self-awareness.

In this topic sentence, the essayist is arguing that physical bonds of friendship, specifically, make the female characters more self-aware. Because this idea can be refuted or supported by readers (based on how successfully the essayist persuades his or her readers with examples and analysis from the novel), and because the claim is narrow enough to address within a single paragraph, the above sentence is a successful topic sentence.

1.3. Direct Quotations (Are Best Avoided):  Although it might be tempting to begin a paragraph with a compelling quotation, as a general rule, topic sentences should state the main idea of the paragraph in your own words. Direct quotations have a place later in the paragraph, where they may be incorporated to support the topic sentence.

Example: In the novel Sula, Morrison uses the physical bonds of female friendship to propel her characters into self-awareness. Pointing to the connection of eyes meeting and bodies growing together, Morrison makes coming-of-age an interactive physical process between the adolescent protagonists. Specifically, Morrison describes how Sula and Nel have used “each other to grow on…they found in each other’s eyes the intimacy they were looking for” (p. 52).

In this second paragraph, the topic sentence appears first, immediately orienting readers to the main focus (or topic) of the paragraph. The quotation is used later in the paragraph as a form of evidence or support for the topic sentence.
2.  Evidence: 
Paraphrase from the source material you are using to support your topic sentence’s claim.

2.1. Introduce

Paraphrased Citations: 

  1. Paraphrased material must be cited. Even though paraphrasing means that you are restating information in your own words, you must give credit to the original source of the information.
  2. Citations for paraphrased material should always include both the author and the year. In-text citation can be placed within the sentence or at the end:

Example: According to Johnson (2012), mirror neurons may be connected with empathy and imitation.

Example: Mirror neurons may be connected with empathy and imitation in human beings (Johnson, 2012).

2.2. Integrate:  In order for a reader to understand the impact of a paraphrased source material, you should work to integrate your evidence into your paragraph’s overall discussion. A strong way to integrate source material is to use transitions. Take a look at this example:

Paragraph with paraphrased material revision (revisions in bold):

The causes of childhood obesity are various.  Greg (2005) found that children need physical activity to stay healthy. However, children’s inactive lifestyles and the time they spend in front of a screen seem to consume the time they could otherwise spend playing outdoors or involved in physical activities. In fact, this lack of physical activity has a direct effect on body fat index (BMI).  One study found that the amount of time spent in front of the television or computer had a direct correlation to an individual’s BMI (Stephens, 2003).  While screen time is correlated with high BMI, Parsons (2003) still debated whether nature or nurture affects childhood obesity more. Though Parsons admitted that scientists have linked genetics to obesity, he also explains that parents often reinforce bad lifestyle habits (Parsons, 2003).  

Adding transitions allows the author to make connections while still presenting the paraphrased source material.

Examples of Paraphrasing

Here is the original source an author might use in a paper:

Differentiation as an instructional approach promotes a balance between a student’s style and a student’s ability. Differentiated instruction provides the student with options for processing and internalizing the content, and for constructing new learning in order to progress academically.

Here is an example of a better way to paraphrase the source. In this example, the author has taken the essential ideas and information from the original source, but has worded it in her own way, using unique word choice and sentence structure. The author has condensed Thompson’s (2009) information, including what is relevant to her paper, but leaving out extra details that she does not needed.

Teachers use differentiated instruction to help students learn, allowing the teacher to cater lessons to the way each student learns and each student’s skill (Thompson, 2009).

  1. Analysis:Your explanation and evaluation of the evidence; explaining the evidence you provided and its relevance in your own words. See the example below.

Explained quotation:

Embryonic stem cell research uses the stem cells from an embryo, causing much ethical debate in the scientific and political communities (Robinson, 2011). However, many politicians use the issue to stir up unnecessary emotion on both sides of the issues. James (2010) explained that “politicians don’t know science,” (p. 24) so scientists should not be listening to politics. Instead, Robinson (2011) suggested that academic discussion of both embryonic and adult stem cell research should continue in order for scientists to best utilize their resources while being mindful of ethical challenges. 

In the revision, however, that the writer clearly explained the quotations as well as the source material, introduced the information sufficiently, and integrated the ideas into the paragraph.

  1. Lead Out:Concluding; preparing your reader to transition to the next paragraph (and the next claim).


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