should be done with good academic references

should be done with good academic references

tLength: 2,000 wordsSubmission method options: TurnitinStudents will research the topic outlined below and compile a report on the topic. Papers will cover a comprehensive review of the academic and business literature as it relates to current international marketing issues facing businesses operating between countries.The audience for this report is an internationally active organisation that you select. You will discuss the theory surrounding theissue and provide relevant, practical recommendations on how your chosen organisation should manage its exposure to theissue.TopicThe BRICS group of countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) includes the largest of the world’s emerging markets.These and many smaller countries are growing rapidly, but present a number of challenges for international marketers that donot occur to the same degree in developed nations such as Japan or the USA.What are the likely impacts of political and economic factors on marketing in emerging markets? Discuss these with reference to your selected organisation and use specific country examples.RationaleThis assessment has been designed in order to:? allow you to develop your information searching and critical thinking skills;? enable you to practice applying theory to real world situations; and? provide you with further experience in academic writing Marking criteria Marks will be awarded based on the following criteria:Criterion Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Critical analysis skills This criterion is about describing and evaluating the information found when researching the context Value 30%Can present limited reliable evidence supporting there commendations and some is missing, incorrect or irrelevant.Can review and present some of the reliableevidence supporting therecommendations butsome evidence is missingor incorrect.Can review and presentmost of the reliableevidence supporting therecommendations butlacks critical analysis andcomparisonCan clearly present theappropriate reliableevidence supportingrecommendations withclear evaluations andconclusionsCan critically review andpresent the appropriatereliable evidence withhighly insightful andperceptive comparisons,evaluations and supportfor recommendationsApplication skillsThis criterion is aboutlinking theory to a specificcontext, explaining how itrelates to aproduct/companyValue 30%There is no or limitedapplication to thecontext or case study, noexamples providedThe case study or contextwas described andidentified. The contextwas connected briefly totheory. There were somerecommendations, butthey are not wellsupported by argumentsThe case study or contextwas described andidentified. The contextwas connected to theorywith clear links. Therewere relevant marketrecommendations andsupported connections totheoryThe case study or contextwas described andidentified and insightfulevaluations were made.The context wasconnected to theory withclear logical links. Therecommendations wererelevant, well supportedwith explicit connectionsto theoretical argumentsThe case study or contextwas described andidentified and insightfulevaluations were made.The context is connectedto theory with exceptional,logical and meaningfullinks.The recommendationswere highly relevant ,realistic and supportedwith explicit connectionsto theoretical argumentsRecommendations &RealismThis is about strategicrecommendations for thecompany which arerealistic in the countrycontextValue 10%No recommendations aremadeThere were somerecommendations, butthey are not strategic orwell supported by realworld informationThere were relevantmarketrecommendations, partlystrategic, supported byconnections to the realworld contextThe recommendationswere relevant andstrategic, well supportedwith explicit connectionsto the real world contextThe recommendationswere highly relevant,strategic, realistic andsupported with explicitconnections to the realworld contextCommunication SkillsThis is about thepresentation of the workincluding: Structure,Format, GrammarPoor grammar, spelling,punctuation, conceptswere not clear, noparagraphing orformatting- no tables orSome grammatical errors,sentences were clear andcomplete, clear structureand formatting usingheadings, and subMinorgrammaticalerrors, sentences wereclear and complete,structure and formatwere used to aid theFree of grammaticalerrorsStructure and formatwere clear Sentences were wellFree of grammatical errors Structure and format were clear, logical and consistent.Sentences were well Page 2 of 2Value 25% figures headings, some diagrams,but not explained andonly decorative reader including diagrams, tables and images, that are relevant to argument, but are stillnot fully explained . Language was concise.Excellent use of diagrams and tables that are clearly relevant and explained constructed. Exceptional use ofdiagrams and tables,clearly relevant, explainedand insightful links madeReferencing SkillsThis criterion is about theapplication of APAreferencingValue 5%There was limited or noattempt at in text or endof text referencingThere was an attempt toapply referencing, butstyle and applicationwere inconsistentThere was consistentstyle, but application wasnot consistent with someerrorsThe style is consistentthroughout the text andend reference list.Application was stillinconsistent with somepoints remainingunreferenced.Both in-text and referencelist were consistent interms of style andapplication of APAYour assignment should be free of colloquial language and spelling, grammatical and typographical errors. Repeatederrors of this kind will be penalised. Please provide generous margins (>2cm) and 11/12pt font in your assignment,number every page, make sure and include a title page with your ID details, and a table of contents (none of which isincluded in the word limit). Assignments must follow the specified page length. Writing within a specified limit is askill. Assignments over the limit may have marks deducted and/or all extra material beyond 2000 words will beignored.Accurate and thorough referencing following the APA standard is expected, as is the use of reliable and academicsource

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