DNA Evidence Essay

DNA Evidence Essay

It addresses the following subjects: What is DNA? How is it used in a criminal investigation? What
methods are used in gathering DNA evidence? How is DNA used to
convict suspects? How is DNA used to identify victims of crime? How
long can DNA evidence be preserved? What are the methods used to
collect DNA evidence? How long is DNA viable for?  How long do
DNA test results take to come back from a lab? What is the accuracy
of DNA evidence? What is the history of using DNA evidence? How
have organizations such as The Innocence Project used DNA to clear
suspects of crimes, and how many people have been proven innocent
post conviction and been released from prison due to DNA evidence?
All these questions and more are explained in detail in this essay.
This essay is written in detail using APA formatting and in text
citations. It was written from a criminal investigations point of
view and is intended to teach the reader about all aspects of DNA

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