Discussion question 2 International Finance question 1 International Trade

Research from Ebsco and Proquest are very helpful, also Http//:WWW.SSRN.Com is another websites that can be used for financial ———————————————————————————————–question 1 International Trade–

If the United States or another country has a negative balance in the current account, what can we conclude from this information?
Write 4 paragraphs about 8 lines each in APA Format. Note: Please review and include all of the following requirements and guidelines in all discussion postings. The quality of postings is also assessed. You must post 3 times a week over several days, demonstrate a thoughtful approach to the content, support your evidence; and synthesize and/or extend the conversation. Be well organized and thorough in your comments. Therefore, you will make a substantial contribution to the discussion. No research from Wikipedia, BLOGS with ads from yahoo.com or google.com, as they present a biased opinion. Use peer-reviewed articles to support your thoughts!
– question 2– International Finance—
What is a banker’s acceptance? How are they initiated? Why are they desirable for the exporter?

A banker’s acceptance guarantees payment to the exporter so that credit risk of the importer is not worrisome. It allows the importers to import goods without being turned down due to uncertainty about their credit standing. It is a revenue generator for the bank since a fee is received by the bank for this service.—
our initial post must be 5 paragraphs 6 lines in length with a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed references in APA Format. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with ads from yahoo.com or google.com, as they present a biased opinion. Use peer-reviewed articles to support your thoughts!

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