detection of antiviral antibodies using ELISA
Please note that I don’t need UK base writer.
Write up in two parts:
First part: Practical write up
Introductions: (1 page max): Should cover the viruses we tested in the practical.
Results: Just include the diagram and mention briefly what you observe (which one are positive etc).
Discussion (1 page max): the tutor asked us for the technical discussion. It should be based on any problems experienced during the practical and how could you improve. It should NOT be based on the individual results of each patient.
Note: My results were accurate when my tutor matched it with the original results (see image).
Conclusion: (just conclude what you said in discussion)
Second part: Case studies
There are four cases in total and Each case (patient 1-4) should be one page (max) each.
In each case study, you should cover the important issues for each patient, you need to justify your discussion and explain with reasons. You also need to include what we can do about it, what treatments are available and appropriate.
References: should be in Harvard style. No restriction on the use of references. You may use as many as you want.
The images are attached. The black circles in the black and white image turned yellow and are the same (yellow) in the original coloured image.
If any confusion Please do ask.
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