How and to what degree has the lifting of sanction on Iran caused the Yemeni Civil War?
How and to what degree has the lifting of sanction on Iran caused the Yemeni Civil War?
Systematic Literature Review
This form consists of an overview of existing evidence pertinent to a clearly formulated research question, which uses pre-specified and standardized methods to identify and critically appraise relevant research, and to collect, report, and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review. Typically it focuses on a very specific empirical question, often posed in a cause-and-effect form, such as “To what extent does A contribute to B?”
Organization options:
1. Look at what the 7 different sources have in common and compare
2. Look at where the gaps in the research are. What limitations does the research have? What are the things the research does not cover?
Points of focus:
– Saudi fear of increasing Iran power
– Proxy war in Yemen between Iran-Saudi
– Effects of the war on US-Saudi relations
– Saudi is flexing its military muscles (new king)
– The war determines the power vacuum in the Gulf
– Increased rebel financing in Yemen from Iran
– The fact that lifting sanctions allows Iran to be more active in international relations
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