Decision Making in health care

Decision Making in health care

You are the administrator of a 200-bed acute-care facility located in a medium-sized city somewhere in the Midwest. Your hospital provides the normal array of services and you think your management team does a good job. Acting on a suggestion from a staff member, you decide to ask your marketing department to undertake some research. You ask the staff to form two focus groups: one comprised of a dozen physicians randomly chosen from the active medical staff, who have handled at least 10 admissions apiece during the past year, and one comprised of a dozen citizens. The citizens will be recruited by posting a sign in a large neighborhood supermarket seeking paid volunteers. Questions for both groups will be open-ended and elicit responses as to how the hospital is perceived by each group.
After a couple of months, the marketing department prepares the following report:

Summary: Physician Group

The physician focus group met during lunch with an experienced moderator. They were asked to provide information about the hospital, specifically their chief likes and dislikes. While nearly all voiced the opinion that the facility was up-to-date, had modern technology, and employed well-trained staff, their chief complaint was that they were never informed of what the hospital was about to undertake, they were always in the dark, and they always felt left out of decision making. To be specific, one physician commented, “I have been on staff for 3 years and wondered what the construction at the rear of the hospital was all about. I just found out it is a new outpatient dialysis unit.”

Another Physician spoke up and complained, “The new CT scanner that was ordered is a Philips. If I had known that, I might have persuaded the hospital to switch to Hitachi; it does better spin-echo imaging. It seems that no one ever tells us anything, and we are the ones charged with taking care of the patients.”

The responses from the remaining physicians were similar.

Summary: Consumer Group

This group of 12 was comprised of five men and seven women of varying ages. All lived less than 5 miles from the hospital, and eight had used the hospital within the last 12 months. The focus group session was conducted during lunch, the volunteers were paid $50 for their participation, and the group was asked open-ended questions regarding their perceptions of the hospital.

While everyone thought the hospital had the best reputation of any hospital in the city, they all voiced the opinion that they knew little about the hospital. When asked, “What new service provided by the hospital do you feel is the most important?” only one commented on the cardiac catheter unit. Most could not name any new service, and the only other service that was named at all was the emergency department.

You feel disappointed by the perceptions of the two groups, but you also believe this is an opportunity to launch new and better communication efforts, both internally and externally.

You decide that improvement is needed in communication with physicians/employees and the public.

(a) What are the short-term and long-term effects of poor communication with the physicians or employees in general?

(b) What are the short-term and long-term effects of poor communication with the public?

(c) What do you plan to do to improve communication with each group? Set out a strategy for each group:

• What decision making model would you apply, why?

• Who should participate in the efforts, why?

• What are the budget implications?

• Set out the timetable

• How would you measure success?

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