critical evelution
critical evelution
LO1. Analyse and evaluate nutrition and epidemiological research linking dietary habits with disease. LO3. Critically appraise the concept of health promotion, its principles and strategies and evaluate the role of initiatives in relation to health improvement in individuals and communities. LO4. Present comprehensive analysis of the different approaches, models and methods used in health promotion and health improvement particularly in relation to exercise and diet.
Unit Title | Nutritional Epidemiology and Health Promotion | Unit Code | 32NPH001 |
Other tutors & contact details
Programme Title | MSc Nutrition and Health |
Summative Assessment Elements
Assessment ID | Assessment Name | Weight Factor(%) |
1CWK70 | Assignment | 70% |
Assignment 1 | |||
Unit Title | Nutritional Epidemiology and Health Promotion | Unit Code | 32NHP001 |
Assessment ID | 1CWK70 | Weight Factor (%) | 70% |
Learning outcomes to be assessed through this work | LO1. Analyse and evaluate nutrition and epidemiological research linking dietary habits with disease.LO3. Critically appraise the concept of health promotion, its principles and strategies and evaluate the role of initiatives in relation to health improvement in individuals and communities.
LO4. Present comprehensive analysis of the different approaches, models and methods used in health promotion and health improvement particularly in relation to exercise and diet.
Support Arrangements | Coursework support sessions are included in Unit’s lecture Schedule above.Students with PLPs should contact the relevant Unit tutor to arrange a one-to-one session where coursework support appropriate for PLP will be discussed. | ||
Confirmation of Moderation | This assignment was scrutinised by the Assessment Moderation Panel and is considered as appropriate for the level of study and credit value of the unit. |
Instruction to students: | ||
Assessment Objective/Rationale: | ||
The assignment will assess the student’s understanding of the principles of health promotion and their ability to critically analyse and evaluate health promotion strategies relating to diet or physical activity which target specific groups and settings
Assessment Task: | ||
v Government health promotion strategies have placed great emphasis on the need to focus on communities, schools and the workplace as providing supportive environments to tackle health inequalities and promote health.
v Consider a community which is familiar or of interest to you and select a health issue which is pertinent to the community you have identified. This health issue can be a part of bigger health problem in the UK, but it should relate to the community you have selected and be applicable to the area and the people who live there. v Once you have identified a pertinent health issue, your task is to produce a proposal for a promotional health strategy designed to achieve positive health outcomes in the setting you have selected.
It is suggested that the structure if your report is as follows: v An introduction to the issue defined – you should define the health issue and the impact within the identified community. Health intelligence data should be used to gather this data. v The health promotion strategy – the model to be used, how it will be funded, implemented and evaluated. This should include aims and objects (which should be SMART) and how it sets out to achieve these in relation to health outcomes. v Primary and secondary literature should be used to support and justify your report i.e. the population, the health promotion approach, evaluation techniques etc v The conclusion should be reflective and critical of the effectiveness of methods to be implemented. You should identify strengths and weaknesses and an estimation of successful you think the programme would be if introduced in relation to its health aims of the community.. v Using the PHN Cycle (Gibney, Margetts and Arab, 2004) to provide structure v You must demonstrate: • An understanding of the evidence • Critical thinking • An innovative approach to PHN issues • The ability to set goals, objectives and quantitative targets (SMART) • The ability to project plan and project manage • The ability to evaluate your project
(Gibney, Margetts and Arab, 2004) |
Assessment Criteria:
- Evidence of comprehensive examination of health promotion strategy
- Appropriate content and understanding of theory and practical application.
- Evidence of critical evaluation
- Well thought out structure and use of supplementary materials if appropriate
- Reference to evidence-based peer reviewed research
- Appropriate scientific writing style
- Accurate referencing
Marking Scheme:
The assignment will be marked out of 100, to give a % mark. This mark will comprise 70% of the total mark. For example, a mark of 70% in this assignment will contribute 30% (0.7 x 100) of the total mark.
Report (70%) Comments and marks awarded:
IntroductionSelection of programme with appropriate supportive evidence, including factual facts and figures, and reason for the target group. |
/10 |
Main BodyMarks for content and detail, accuracy and knowledge of programme
Is their sufficient detail? E.g. funding , body responsible, time plans etc Is the information current and up to date? Has the programme been critically evaluated? |
/40 |
Conclusion:Summary of key points
Logical conclusion with an outcome based on the factual evidence presented. |
/10 |
Sources: Is there evidence of appropriate use of sources? Have they been referenced correctly? |
/10 |
Total | 70 =100% |
Learning Outcomes: The Assignment achieve learning outcomes 1,3 and 4
Mark | Outcome | Descriptor |
<45 | Fail | Unit learning outcomes not achieved |
45 to 49 | Marginal fail | Most unit learning outcomes achieved at a threshold level |
50 to 59 | Pass | All unit learning outcomes achieved at a good level |
60 to 69 | Pass | All unit learning outcomes achieved at a very good level |
≥70 | Pass | All unit learning outcomes achieved at an excellent/outstanding level |
Unit Title: ……………………………… Assessment No/Type: ……………………………… Name of Student/ID: ……………………………
Grade band | Descriptor 1 | Descriptor 2 | Descriptor 3 | Descriptor 4 | Descriptor 5 | Descriptor 6 | Descriptor 7 |
Apply skills of critical analysis to real world situations within a defined range of contexts | Demonstrate a high degree of professionalism* eg initiative, creativity, motivation, professional practice and self management. | Express ideas effectively and communicate information appropriately and accurately using a range of media including ICT | Develop working relationships using teamwork and leadership skills, recognising and respecting different perspectives | Manage their professional development reflecting on progress and taking appropriate action | Find, evaluate, synthesise and use information from a variety of sources | Articulate an awareness of the social and community contexts within their disciplinary field | |
86%-100% | Links between theory and practice are evaluated with original insight. | Work is insightfully evaluated with respect to the characteristics of a professional. | Work is communicated fluently using an appropriate range of strategies and media. | Evidence is shown of ability to exercise leadership skills in a team, making a significant contribution, as either leader or member, which goes beyond the activities defined and to reflect critically on strengths and weaknesses of team performance. | Professional aspirations and action plans are thorough and creatively articulated. | An innovative project is thoroughly designed and carried out to collect, analyse and critique information from primary and secondary sources with minimal supervision, bringing original insight to the analysis. | Social and community contexts of the discipline are evaluated in their work, drawing conclusions and making recommendations. |
70%-85% | Links between theory and practice are evaluated critically. | Work is meticulously evaluated respect to the characteristics of a professional. | Work is communicated convincingly using a range of strategies and media. | Evidence is shown of ability to exercise leadership skills in a team as either leader or member as needed to complete a project and to reflect on strengths and weaknesses of performance. | Professional aspirations and action plans are thorough and confidently articulated. | An original project is designed and carried out to collect, analyse and critique information from primary and secondary sources with minimal supervision, bringing insight to the analysis. | The social and community contexts of the discipline are evaluated in their work, drawing credible conclusions. |
60%-69% | Links between theory and practice are evaluated. | Work is rigorously evaluated with respect to the characteristics of a professional. | Work is communicated effectively and thoroughly using a range of strategies and media. | Evidence is shown of ability to exercise leadership skills in a team as needed to complete a project and identify strengths and weaknesses of performance. | Professional aspirations and action plans are sensible and confidently articulated. | A project is thoroughly designed and carried out to collect, analyse and critique information from primary and secondary sources with limited supervision. | The social and community contexts of the discipline are addressed confidently in their work. |
50%-59% | Links between theory and practice are analysed. | Work is thoroughly evaluated with respect to the characteristics of a professional. | Work is communicated clearly and confidently using a range of strategies and media. | Evidence is shown of ability to work effectively in a team as either leader or member as needed to complete a project and identify strengths and weaknesses of performance. | Professional aspirations and action plans are clearly articulated. | A project is carefully designed and carried out to collect, analyse and critique information from primary and secondary sources with some supervision. | The social and community contexts of the discipline in work are identified, with the beginnings of analysis evident. |
40%-49% | Links between theory and practice are constructed. | Work is evaluated with respect to the characteristics of a professional. | Work is clearly communicated using a range of strategies and media. | Evidence is shown of ability to work in a team as either leader or member as needed to complete projects and identify strengths and weaknesses of performance. | Professional aspirations and action plans are articulated. | A project is designed and carried out to collect, analyse and critique information from primary and secondary sources under supervision. | Social and community contexts of the discipline in work are identified |
35%-39% | An inadequate range of links between theory and practice is constructed. | There is evidence of partial identification of strengths and weaknesses of personal performance in relation to the characteristics of a professional. | Communication of work is inadequate or confused, or uses a limited range of strategies and media. | Evidence is shown of a partial contribution to a team to complete a project. | A limited range of, or inappropriate, opportunities for own professional development are identified. | There is a partial attempt to design and carry out a project to collect, analyse and critique information from primary and secondary sources under supervision. | Social and community contexts of the discipline are partially identified |
20%-34% | Links between theory and practice are provided but are confused or wrong. | There is evidence of a limited attempt to identify strengths and weaknesses of personal performance in relation to the characteristics of a professional. | Communication of work is inadequate and confused, and makes insufficient use of strategies and media. | Evidence is shown of an Inadequate or limited contribution to a team to complete a defined project. | Limited or flawed professional aspirations and action plans are articulated. | There is an inadequate attempt to design and carry out a project to collect, analyse and critique information from primary and secondary sources under supervision. | Limited or incorrect identification of the social and community contexts of the discipline |
0%-19% | Links between theory and practice are absent, or confused and wrong. | There is little or no evidence of an attempt to identify strengths and weaknesses of personal performance in relation to the characteristics of a professional. | Communication of work is very difficult to understand, or absent, and makes inadequate use of strategies and media. | Little or no evidence of contribution to a team to complete a defined project. | Unfeasible or no professional aspirations and action plans are articulated. | Little or no attempt to design attempt to design and carry out a project to collect, analyse and critique information from primary and secondary sources under supervision. | Limited or incorrect identification of the social and community contexts of the discipline. |
Comments: Mark:
e.g. You did really well on ….
e.g. Next time that you complete a similar assignment, I recommend that you….
First marker: | Date | ||
Moderator/Second marker | Date |
Final Mark:
Comments: Mark:
e.g. You did really well on ….
e.g. Next time that you complete a similar assignment, I recommend that you….
First marker: | Date | ||
Moderator/Second marker | Date |
Final Mark:
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