creation narratives

I need all the references to be from websites( very important point)
I need a draft that summarised the essay in one page including the references list as well.

the essay is about the maori culture

Internal Assessment & Due Dates


Peer Review for Short Essay: 5% – Due Date: Week 5 Tuakana Workshops


This is a two part task:


  1. Bring a draft of your short essay and give it to your tuakana for peer review at the beginning of your Week 5 Workshop.
  2. Peer review a fellow classmate’s short essay in your Week 5 Workshop using the template provided by your tuakana.


Your draft must include:


  1. A minimum of one full page of writing (size 12 font max, 1.5 spacing)
  2. Harvard referencing must be attempted throughout
  3. Other techniques & processes must be attempted throughout
  4. It must not be in note form or bullet points.


If your draft does not meet these requirements, you will not be able to enter the workshop and complete the peer review. You will not be able to sit it at a later date or workshop time. Be prepared for your workshop, it is your deadline for this task.  If you are more than 10 minutes late for your workshop, you will not be able to complete the peer review.


Short Essay 20%:


Complete the following task in short essay form:


Analyse a context (of your choosing) from the list below and illustrate the cultural concepts embedded within that context.

  1. Creation narratives
  2. Whaikorero
  3. Haka
  4. kinship



You must research the topic you have chosen and provide a minimum of three sources beyond the course textbook and lectures. Your sources should be academically appropriate and relevant to the course and task that has been set. An over-reliance on lecture content will be penalised.


The short essays provided should adhere to all essay writing guidelines; including a full reference list and correct Harvard referencing (see MAOR102 assignment writing guide). The word count for this task is 1200 words. Note: Direct quotes & technical aspects of your essay, such as referencing and English definitions for Māori words; do not contribute to your overall word count.

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