COUN 506 Discussion Board Week 8-Reply 1
COUN 506 Discussion Board Week 8-Reply 1
The below assignment has been written by another student. Please
read it very carefully and reply to it by providing 200 words, apa
format, at least 2 or 3 citations in addition to course textbook.
When you reply to classmates, comment on the validity of their
approaches, point out any weaknesses or flaws in the approach, ask
for clarification, suggest alternatives, etc. Your work should be
original. Entwistle, D. N. (2010). Integrative approaches to
psychology and Christianity (2nd ed.). Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.
McMinn, M. R. (2011). Psychology, theology, and spirituality in
Christian counseling (Rev. ed.). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale
House.How would you decide when to confront this woman’s sin in
counseling? What form or forms of confrontation should be used?
Wow, what a presentation (Peters, n.d) delivered this week. I must
admit that the manners of methods of presenting sin as a concept is
a new one for me. I received a different point of view of looking
at sin from these two lectures. As a pastor, I must say that this
week’s lecture was spot on, and it’s perceptions, analogies and
concepts of sin are tools that every Christian counselor needs to
keep in their back pocket. As noted in the lecture one of week
seven (Peters, n.d) “Sin, Confession and Redemption,” sin must be
addressed as both a personal and universal problem. However, it is
the onus of the counselor to determine which methodology is best
for his or her client. The secular psychological perception of sin
is psychopathology (a sickness to be treated). Nonetheless, it is
true that it must be treated. It is interesting how the lecture
defined the concept of sin on both the psychological and
theological aspect. The concept of sin needs to be addressed, and
because sin has the power to kill, it cannot be watered down; which
is how the secular psychologist would handle Jane’s plight.
Psychologically the concept of sin is an unhealthy guilt dynamic,
the behavioral point of view of how we see our actions, lastly the
perception of right and wrong of a person’s actions. Because of
Jane’s age and the length of time that she has held onto the guilt
and shame of her sin or mistake, I would handle Jane’s case with
gentleness and compassion. My first point would deduce the view of
Jane’s feeling of everything from acts of promiscuity up to the
abortion. I would do that because it is imperative to inquire how
she arrived at the point of hopelessness, after all, these years. I
thought it was interesting that before the presentation a dress the
right and the wrong of a person’s action, which it unfolded the
unhealthy guilt dynamic; which is the very thing that drove Jane
attempting suicide. So in counseling chain I would want to deduce
the entry point of Jane’s plight, the guilt, coupled with the shame
as a result of the pastor’s wife’s acknowledgment of being
disappointed with Jane. I had to acknowledge the propensity of
people to lash out at those who have disappointed or let them down.
Therefore, I recognize the destructive power of words from someone
that we love or admire can have when our self-esteem is already at
a low point. A very interesting point of (Peters,(n.d) and McMinn
(2011) is the attribution style and clients awareness section. Most
people when they get into trouble; find it important to find
someone else to blame instead of taking responsibility for
self-actions. Therefore, it would be important to find a way in the
counseling sessions to monitor if Jane takes responsibility for her
actions or is she is still blaming others for what is happened to
her. As the counselor is important to get a client, acknowledge or
understand their roles in order to resolve the root cause of their
plight. Two steps; first derived the point or location of the
client ‘s awareness. Secondly, determine where the client healing
process rest whether it is internal or external, I would then work
on the healing of the broken relationship if her adoptive parents
were still alive. The secular world’s language of psychology and
sin language does not differ too much from the holistic Spiritual
and Theological concept of sin. However, the secular world is
searching for a treatment of a sickness of sin, the church or the
Christian counselor needs to be able to present the had a bet I
would answer does the school not added back from a minimum to I’m
upset now myself because I’m running out of the time or opportunity
to cancel my stuff cure or prescription for the sickness of sin.
John B.
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