cost management a strategic emphasis 6th edition

cost management a strategic emphasis 6th edition

Seventh Generation, Inc (SGI) manufactures enviromntally friendly cleaning products, including laundry detergent, soap, and all purpose cleaners. Prior to
2008, SGI would not do business with walMart, because of perception of poor enviromantal record at the large retailer. In 2008, SGI realized that, despite the
preception of walMart`s enviromental record, it was important to partner with big retalier in order to have the largest possible impact on consumers, to bring
enviromantly friendly products into mainstream. In Aug 2010, the partnership was arranged and SGI`s products started to show in WalMart stors. while most
cleaning products sold at WalMart ar offereed low price than SGI products, the difference is not significant and the WalMart prices compare well to SGI product
prices at suprmarkets where these products are also sold?


is this partnership is good strategy for (a) WalMart? (b) Seventh Generation, Inc (SGI)? Explain why or why not

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