Correctional System Budget

Correctional System Budget

The correctional system budget is one of the largest sections of
a state’s yearly budget. The current philosophy of being tough on
criminals has resulted in overcrowding in prisons and massive
corrections budgets.However, the recent overall decline in many state economies and
the national economy has forced states to cut their corrections
budgets and include alternative sanctions other than incarceration
and still be accountable for maintaining public safety.Most prison systems have been negatively affected in recent
years by these budget cuts. Due to scarce budgets, states have been
forced to reduce staffing and cut funding to crime prevention
programs. The staffing cuts have become necessary because people
are the most expensive part of running a prison. States have also
privatized services and programs such as food service, medical
services, warehouse and maintenance operations, and educational
services to reduce costs. Typically, programming services are
reviewed for reductions as they are not considered the core of
prison operations such as custody and security.Tasks:Using the Argosy University online library resources and the
textbook readings, write a 3- to 5-page paper that addresses the
following:Analyze and explain how budget cuts affect the various programs
in the correctional system. Analyze the pros and cons of
privatizing prison services and programs to alleviate budgetary
costs. Explain whether state governments should relinquish
correctional supervision and control to private entities. Explain
how enacting legislations that are thought to be tough on crime
affects the prison system’s ethical responsibilities to prisoners.
Include the following points in your responses:Legal requirements of a correctional system: food, housing, and
medical care Prison safety Prison programs: General Education
Development (GED), English as a Second Language (ESL), and

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