Correct answer to 100 GED108 Environmental Science MCQ
Correct answer to 100 GED108 Environmental Science MCQ
GED108 Environmental Science MCQ 1) Which of the following best describes biodiversity?A) the sum of all plants, animals, and microbes on the
planetB) the sum of all plants and animals on the planetC) the kinds of trees and other plants in a forestD) the kinds of plants and animals in a forestE) plants and animals but not bacteria2) Concern for the unfair concentration of waste sites and other
hazardous activities in areas that are populated by poor or
minorities is called:A) sustainable growth.B) environmental justice.C) sound science.D) sustainable development.E) globalization.3) Which of the following describes a theory?A) an idea that is unprovenB) a hypothesis that can be tested through experimentsC) a scientific experimentD) a model of how a system worksE) a worldviewYour weekly budget for the five-day workweek is twenty dollars.
Lunch costs $2.00 per day, drinks $1.00. Gasoline for commuting to
work costs $10.00 for the week.4) Using the information above, match the statement with the
correct step in the scientific method.“I carpool with my neighbor and save $5.00 per week in fuel
costs.”A) hypothesisB) theory/revised hypothesis/conclusionC) experimentD) observation/question5) Using the information above, match the statement with the
correct step in the scientific method.“If I carpool, my weekly expenses now equal my available
income.”A) experimentB) hypothesisC) observation/questionD) theory/revised hypothesis/conclusion6) The most likely explanation for the collapse of the Rapa Nui
society ofEaster Island is:A) lack of wood to make boats.B) population growth.C) an unstable society brought on by overexploitation of natural
resources.D) epidemic disease.E) crop failure.7) The process that photoautotrophic producers perform that is
not performed by other organisms in most ecosystems isA) photosynthesis.B) reproduction.C) metabolism.D) cell respiration.E) chemosynthesis.8) The relationship between cats and mice is an example of:A) competition.B) mutualism.C) symbiosis.D) host-parasite.E) predator-prey.9) The long-term average of a region’s temperature and
precipitation is that area’sA) climate.B) ecotone.C) ecotype.D) weather.E) ecology.10) Which of the following would be considered INORGANIC?A) living organismsB) dead organismsC) nitrogen, and waterD) complex molecules that make up tissues of living
organismsE) wood and leather11) Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?A) oak tree – producerB) bacteria – decomposerC) squirrel – consumerD) mushroom – detritusE) dead leaf – detritus12) In a food chain, the trophic level that has the greatest
biomass is the:A) primary consumer.B) predator.C) producer.D) third order consumer.E) secondary consumer.13) The function of chlorophyll in plants is toA) produce oxygen.B) absorb carbon dioxide.C) absorb water.D) absorb light.E) produce carbon dioxide.14) ”Nitrogen fixation” refers toA) repairing broken molecules.B) converting nitrogen gas to chemical forms which plants can
incorpo- rate.C) animals releasing nitrogen in their urine.D) releasing nitrogen to the air.E) applying fertilizer.15) The measure of the degree of disorder of a system is:A) potential energy.B) conservation of energy.C) entropy.D) energy.E) calories.16) Which of the following is a waste product formed in the
breakdown of food to obtain energy?A) starchB) glucoseC) carbon dioxideD) proteinE) oxygen17) Primary productivity of ocean ecosystems is primarily
determined by:A) temperature and daylength.B) depth and temperature.C) temperature and nutrients.D) sunlight and temperature.E) sunlight and nutrients.18) Which statement is false regarding the carbon cycle?A) The important reservoir of CO2 is the soilB) Plants absorb CO2 and construct organic moleculesC) Organic molecules are transferred to animals as foodD) As food is used for energy the carbon atoms are returned to
the air as CO2E) Photosynthesis and respiratory processes balance each
other19) The gradual movement of the segments of the Earth’s crust
against each other does NOT causeA) faults.B) earthquakes.C) volcanic eruptions.D) tides.E) growth of oceanic ridges.20) Which of the following best describes the J curve?A) rapid growth followed by population equilibriumB) slow growth and a gradual rise in population until the
carrying capacity is reachedC) rapid growth followed with a balance with the carrying
capacityD) rapid growth, often exceeding the carrying capacityE) slow growth followed by population equilibrium 51) Which of the following is a goal of CITES, the Convention on
Trade in Endangered Species?A) to prohibit use of endangered species habitat.B) to regulate and set limits on trade in endangered species and
their parts.C) to develop recovery programs for endangered species in the
U.S.D) to prohibit trade in endangered species and their parts.E) to ban the sale of any endangered species or their parts.52) An essential part of any strategy to bring back species that
are endangered is:A) a recovery plan.B) purchase of their habitat.C) identification of invasive species.D) reintroduction into suitable habitat.E) captive breeding in zoos.53) Which of the following statements concerning the
Biodiversity Treaty is cor- rect?A) countries are granted protection of their genetic resources
but are not obligated to protect the environment more than they are
now.B) financial support for protection in developing countries must
come from the countries themselves.C) developed countries stand to benefit little from the
treaty.D) other environmental problems such as deforestation are
ignored.E) in return for access to a species for a commercial purpose
(e.g. to make a medicine). developing countries can expect
compensation or access to specific technologies.54) Which of the following is true of the economic value of
forests products in developing countries?A) since forests are regrowing in developed countries, their
value globally has declined.B) they are used primarily used for local consumptive use.C) their main value is the extractive reserves of nuts, latex,
and fruits.D) they are a major source of income and international
trade.E) certification programs prohibit their sale to developed
countries.55) Japan and Norway would like the IWC to set a quota for
hunting ________ whales.A) fin.B) all species of.C) blue.D) humpback.E) minke.56) According to the Maximum Sustained Yield model, a population
shows the most rapid growth when it is:A) twice the carrying capacity.B) about half the carrying capacity.C) not harvested at all.D) above the carrying capacity.E) at the carrying capacity.57) The Magnuson Act of 1976 extended United States jurisdiction
to ________ miles offshore.A) 100B) 500C) 1000D) 200E) 3058) Demand for electricity fluctuates:A) but not by a significant amount each day.B) hourly, daily, and weekly.C) hourly throughout the day.D) hourly, daily, weekly, and seasonally.E) hourly and by the day of the week.59) The greatest demands on electrical power use are duringA) fall.B) use of electricity is the same all year round.C) summer.D) winter.E) spring.60) Which of the following is true concerning the energy in coal
used to pro- duce electricity?A) it cannot be used for any other purpose.B) most of it is converted to electricity.C) little energy is lost as heat in the production of
electricity.D) most of it is dissipated in the conversion to
electricity.E) it is the only fuel that can be used to produce
electricity. E) chlorination.81) The effective mechanism of trickling filters isA) fine-particle filtration.B) bacteria and other organisms.C) chlorination.D) deactivation.E) aeration.82) Most collection and disposal of municipal solid waste is the
responsibility of the:A) federal government.B) local government.C) individual homeowner.D) state.E) EPA.83) What have landfill “archaeologists” that have studied old
landfills conclud- ed about the rates of decomposition in
landfills?A) all materials decompose at the same rate.B) paper and other organic wastes often degrade very slowly.C) plastics break down at the same rate as paper.D) little organic material remained in old landfills.E )both paper and plastic decompose rapidly.84) Which of the following best characterizes the make-up of
leachateproduced in landfills?A) a complex mixture of inorganic and organic wastes.B) mostly acids from batteries.C) since it is mostly water it doesn’t pose a serious
threat.D) discarded household cleaning products and pesticides.E) mostly organic nutrients.85) A waste management strategy that is immune from escalating
transporta- tion costs and tipping fees is:A) recycling of electronic wastes.B) source reduction.C) municipal composting of leaves.D) combustion.E) landfills.86) Biomagnification refers toA) certain traits becoming more pronounced through natural or
artificial selection.B) increase in populations when environmental resistance is
low.C) growth in size of individuals when given optimum
nutrition.D) the increase in concentration of a pollutant as it moves up
the food chain.E) two or more factors interacting together causing a much
greater effect than each factor would acting alone.87) The contamination at Love Canal was:A) seepage from a deep well injection site.B) residential housing built over a closed and capped hazardous
waste site.C) an isolated case of improper waste disposal.D) an abandoned hazardous waste site.E) widespread contamination from flooding of a waste
impoundment.88) In phytoremediation, once plants have absorbed the wastes
from thecontaminated soil:A) they are safe to eat.B) the soils are too toxic to support further plant growth.C) the soils are deficient in nutrients and will not support
further plant growth.D) can be used as feed for livestock.E) they are harvested and treated as toxic waste.89) The term “cradle to grave” means that:A) matter, and thus wastes can neither be created nor
destroyed.B) wastes cannot have a health impact on any aged
individual.C) hazardous wastes that kill infants and children are the most
toxic.D) hazardous wastes that kill people must be carefully disposed
of.E) there must be an accurate accounting of wastes from their
initialproduction to ultimate disposal.90) The ultimate source of energy that determines a region’s
climate isA) wind currents.B) solar radiation.C) geothermal vents.D) ocean currents.E) greenhouse gases.91) The major greenhouse gases areA) methane, oxygen, nitrogen and neon.B) carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and water vapor.C) oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and neon.D) chlorine, fluorine, neon, and argon.E) carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and
chlorofluorocarbons.92) How much of ultra-violet light is absorbed by ozone in the
stratosphere?A) 20 %B) 99 %C) 50 %D) 0 %E) 100 %93) Which of the following is absorbed by ozone in the
stratosphere?A) UV-B and UV-A.B) UV-B.C) UV-A but not UV-B.D) visible light and ultraviolet light.E) all radiation.94) Which of the following is NOT a significant source of indoor
air pollution?A) cooking.B) use of hobby glues and paints.C) house plants.D) smoking.E) use of cleaning agents.95) Which of the following describes changes in the 5 criteria
air pollution in the U.S. since the enactment of the Clean Air
Act?A) emissions have decreased but ambient air quality remains the
same.B) they have decreased substantially.C) they are about the same.D) they have increased because of economic growth and more
automo- biles.E) they have become steadily worse.96) The brownish color of air in some polluted urban areas is
due to:A) nitrogen oxides.B) soot.C) sulfur oxides.D) carbon dioxide.E) ozone.97) According to the ecological economist’s view, economic
production:A) does not require natural resources.B) can supply needed services without affecting the
environment.C) lies outside of the environment.D) competes with ecosystem services.E) involves the transformation of natural resources into
manufactured goods.98) A major limitation in the use of GDP as a measure of a
nation’s wealth is that it does not take into account:A) value of agricultural products.B) income from abroad.C) the value of natural resources.D) per capita gross domestic product.E) the depreciation of natural capital.99) Local governments raise money for the services that they
provide mainly throughA) state lotteries.B) gasoline taxes.C) property taxes.D) direct billing to those affected.E) income taxes.100) Suburban communities have generally thrived economically
while cities have declined economically because:A) higher population density in the suburbs means more tax
dollars.B) there are fewer people in the suburbs.C) suburban residents have higher paying jobs.D) suburbs received more funds from the Highway Trust Fund.E) services provided by the local governments are financed
mainly through property taxes which have declined in cities and
increased in suburbs.
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