Contemporary Issues in Art

Contemporary Issues in Art

Answer the following: After learning more about this work, in your opinion, what makes Serra’s Tilted Arc art? How was the site/location important to the work? Do you think the work should have been removed? Why or why not? What are similarities/differences between Serra’s Tilted Arc and Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial? Contemporary Issues in Art Spring 2016 Worksheet #4: Place / Serra and Salcedo View the brief videos on the contemporary artist Doris Salcedo. Answer the questions below  How is time an important element of her work, “Noviembre 6 y 7”?·  Discuss Salcedo’s explanation of the word experience, including the Latin root that means “going across danger.”· How does Salcedo’s definition relate to specific works of art and her working process?  Doris Salcedo says: “The memory of anonymous victims is always being obliterated; that’s why my work does· not represent something; it’s simply a hint of something—trying to bring into our presence something subtle that is no longer here.” How does the artist expose, reveal, or rescue marginalized or hidden histories and perspectives? Do you find her work successful or unsuccessful in this regard?


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