Concept of culture with respect to international business
Refer to relevant theoretical frameworks in your answer.
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Business organizations are continuously going global following the significant technological advancements that have been realized in the recent times. The
globalization phenomena allow firms to operate in multiple international markets without being inhibited by physical boundaries because of fast, accurate, and reliable
communication between the headquarters and subsidiaries. Nevertheless, as these capabilities continue fostering the expansion of businesses, one major challenge lies
in the area of culture. Venturing into foreign markets also means encountering new cultural practices that differ from those of the host country. Such changes in
culture mainly affect human resource practices because the firms are torn between insisting on their own corporate cultures and risk affecting overall performance and
adopting the foreign cultural practices and alter their own corporate cultural belief. This paper seeks to analyze the concept of culture with respect to international
business. The paper will draw from some specific examples involving some of the world’s most renowned international businesses.
case studies can be found by clicking this link: Use 3 case studies out of 5 avaiable. First –
Culture Clash at Pharmacia and Upjohn pages 130-131; 2nd – McDonald’s page 135; 3rd- Danone and Parmalat -going international, staying local, page 149-150; 4th- Do not
throw your meishi pages 154-155; 5th- Sport can be local and global: Manchester United, page 155-156 . Student have to use additional resources to support argument:
why cross culture is important factor in international business management. Understand case study and use them briefly do not describe them but work on them. What is
the purpose for understanding different scenarios, put theory. Make a choice of one perspective use one for whole paper( marketing mng or HR mng or strategy mng, etc –
use only one ). If describing culture awarness and HR management is closely linked, demonstrate why and how.. Define the concept of culture and discuss the main
components of culture. USE THEORIES OF CULTURE TO EVALUATE THE CASES of your choice.
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