Computer tomography or Ultrasonography which is best for diagnosis of appendicitis in adult population?
This assignment is a research proposal in which the writer will write a LITERATURE REVIEW using a minimum of 16 to 18 research journal articles, government reports and other quality publications e.g Cochrane data base review. The research topic title is “Computer Tomography (CT) or Ultrasonography(US) which is better for diagnosis of appendicitis in adult population”. The majority of the literature cited in the review needs to be CONTEMPORARY (i.e less than 5 years old)
Write the review in form of a CRITIQUE using the format below:
What is the TITLE OF ARTICLE? 1.How does this title help you appreciate what this article is going to be about?
ABSTRACT, 2.What is the aim of the article?, 3.What methods were used to collect and analyse the data (i.e research information)?, 4.What were the main findings?
5.What is the research topic, 6.Does it indicate a theoretical/conceptual framework? If yes, what is it? If not why does it need/not need a framework?, 7.What is already known about the research topic (the literature review)?, 8.What are the gaps in knowledge identified in the literature review?, 9.Is there a specific research question asked? If yes, what is it? If no, why does it need / not need a research question?
METHODOLOGY AND METHODS, 10, Is the article qualitative or quatitative? ..(please use a qualitative article), 11,What subheadings are used in this section? 12, Who are the participants/subjects and how many are there?
I will scan and forward to you he rest of the format instructions.
Please use and save the article in Microsoft word, font must be 12pt Times New Roman with all pages numbered. Please type 11510521 using header or footer on all pages and use APA referencing method.
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