compare the methodologies used by two approaches to enterprise architecture

compare the methodologies used by two approaches to enterprise architecture

Page 1 of 2 INFT 5020 Assignment 2 Due date: 11:55pm on Sunday, May 8, 2016 Weighting: 40% of course total marks Submission: submit a single file in PDF format via learnonline This is an individual assignment. Compare the methodologies used by the two approaches to enterprise architecture described at the web sites below: • New Zealand Government Architecture • Australian Government Architecture Australian Government Architecture – Department of Finance and Deregulation The report shall be 2000 words (excluding figures and references), written in 11 pt black font using 1.5 line spacing. Instructions Submit a report including an executive summary, introduction, conclusions, etc. Do not spend a long time describing the approaches. Give details appropriate for the purpose within your answer. You can assume the reader of your report has these documents available when reading your report. No marks will be awarded for generic discussion of Enterprise Architecture that is not related to the specific context of this assignment. Provide references where appropriate, and adhere to the University’s policies regarding plagiarism and academic misconduct. Start the assignment early. Extensions will be granted only in truly exceptional circumstances. Reasons such as late enrolment in the course, your grandmother dying, your computer not working, unexpected work commitments, your pet being sick, etc will be denied outright. All extension requests must be submitted via learnonline at least one business day prior to the due date. All extension requests must be supported by a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner. Any medical certificates submitted as evidence must clearly state the impact on your ability to complete this specific assignment. Generic statements such as “suffered from medical condition from … to … and was therefore unfit for work” will not be accepted. Moreover, you must demonstrate that you have made reasonable effort in progressing the assignment work before applying for an extension. Verbatim citations and close paraphrasing must not exceed 5% of the text. This includes your own work submitted to this course in previous offerings. Adhere to the academic integrity and referencing guidelines described in Assignment 1. Penalties apply. An outline of the marking criteria is attached. Page 2 of 2 Marking Scheme Concise and accurate description of both enterprise architectures 20 Comparison of methodologies States and takes a position Develops convincing argument Uses supporting evidence Conclusions clearly stated and convincing 50 Report structure, writing style (well set out, fluent, succinct, concise and precise, and reads well) 20 Researched broadly and skilfully from primary sources and supporting literature, with appropriate Harvard style referencing 10





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