Compare and contrast the relative efficacy and/or fairness of tortlaw principles across two or more contextsof your choosing.
Task 1: Comparative Review (Indicative word count 1,500 words)Compare and contrast the relative efficacy and/or fairness of tortlaw principles across two or more contextsof your choosing. For example, you could explore: the development of tortlaw principles over time; how tortlaw principles differ between jurisdictions; the application of tortlaw within different industries; the application of existing tortlaw principles to new technologies or working practices; or the application of tortlaw to private organisationsvs publicbodies.
Task 2: Case Study –Part A(Indicative word count 2,000 words)With reference to the case study provided, and to legal authority, critically evaluate the potential tortious liability arising from the circumstances described.Please note that this case study is NOTthe same as the case study from the main sit.You can find the reassessment case study on the Reassessment tab of the module Blackboard site.
Task 3: Case Study–Part B(Indicative word count 1,000 words)With reference to the case study provided, and to legal authority including the Civil Procedure Rules, advise the claimant(s)on the process of litigating through the court system. Your advice should include:
a)a brief explanation of each of the most important stages of the litigation process, noting points of particular significance;
b)an evaluation of the merits of one or moreinterim applications that may be appropriate in this case; and
c)any key evidential issues that might arise, together with an evaluation of their potential impact.Please note that this case study is NOTthe same as the case study from the main sit.You can find the reassessment case study on the Reassessment tab of the module Blackboard site.Instructions continue on the next page
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Task 4: Reflection (Indicative word count 500 words)Using a suitable academic model, reflect on your learning experience on this module and identify actions that you can take to support your future academic development
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