Companies to be chosen are AGL energies and Billabong

Companies to be chosen are AGL energies and Billabong

Work must be carried out in groups of 2 people.
Each group is to select 2 companies. Then conduct an in-depth evaluation and financial analysis to see whether
these companies are good investments. At the end of your report state your conclusion as to whether or not
you would invest in the company.
The companies are to be selected form the ASX’s Top 100 companies list (contained in Appendix 1 attached,
Except for BHP as this was covered in lectures).

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Companies to be chosen are AGL energies and Billabong

Work must be carried out in groups of 2 people.
Each group is to select 2 companies. Then conduct an in-depth evaluation and financial analysis to see whether
these companies are good investments. At the end of your report state your conclusion as to whether or not
you would invest in the company.
The companies are to be selected form the ASX’s Top 100 companies list (contained in Appendix 1 attached,
Except for BHP as this was covered in lectures).
Your analysis should include but not be limited to:
• Your risk profile, research approach.
• Researched company information, including your reasoning as to why or why not you chose to invest
in this company
• Fundamental analysis:
o top down
o bottom up
• Any tables, charts or graphs you may wish to use to present your information.
Group Report Required:
Each group should prepare a report of no more than 10 pages (approximately 5000 words) outlining the above
analysis and the selection of the resulting portfolio. Marks will be given for content not for length. Anything
over 10 pages will not be marked.
Resources available
You should use the ASX Sharemarket website; This will give you easy access to company,
shares and market information which will be useful in your decisions. The ASX website has many facilities to
help you, including charts of share price movements and several guides for beginners. (See Appendix 2)
You may also access additional information via each company’s own website and from the ‘Australian Financial
Review’ newspaper or website, Other sources include, but are not limited to:;;; Undergraduate Program HA1022 Principles of Financial Markets 2
1. Marks will be rewarded for in-depth analysis, not for picking a company whose share price goes up.
2. A good place to start would be re-reading…


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