COMP 1010 Winter 2015 Assignment 3 online essay editor
COMP 1010 Winter 2015 Assignment 3
Due Date: Friday, 13 March 2015, before midnight
Material Covered
- Loops (while- and do-while loops, for loops)
- More String manipulation
- File scanning (using Scanner)
- Graphics (using StdDraw)
Notes and Instructions – Please Follow Exactly
- Name your Java files as follows: <LastName><FirstName> (use Q1, Q2 and Q3 for Questions 1, 2 and 3). For example, is a valid name. Your classes need to be named to match.
- Follow the programming standards posted on the course website to avoid losing marks.
- You must submit the “Blanket Honesty Declaration”, also on the course website, before any assignment in COMP 1010 will be marked. This must be submitted to your instructor on paper. Submissions via the D2L Dropbox are not accepted.
- To submit the assignment you will upload the required files, as specified for each question, to the
D2L Dropbox for Assignment 3 on the course website.
- For example, hand in for Question 1 (if your name happens to be John
- You will also put the output of your test runs from DrJava into .txt files, and upload them to the
D2L Dropbox in the same way.
- Name your output files <LastName><FirstName>A3Qn-output.txt.
- Do NOT manipulate your output in any way.
- Complete instructions for handing in your assignment, including an easy way to create the output files, can be found in the “Handin instructions” document in the “General Information” folder on the website.
- To be eligible to earn full marks, your Java programs must compile and run upon download, without requiring any modifications.
Question 1 — Computer Aided Instruction (CAI)
Computers play an important role in education. In this question, you will write a program that will help an elementary school student learn basic arithmetic operations. Write your program as follows:
- 1. The char getOperator() method. Write a method called getOperator() that will prompt the student (using Sysout.print) to enter one of the three arithmetic operators ‘+’, ‘-’ and ‘*’, and will return the operator as a char (get the operator using Scanner). Your method must handle invalid inputs; that is, if the input is not one of the three arithmetic operators mentioned above, then the method must keep prompting the student for a valid operator until one is entered.
Hint. Use a do-while to handle the validity of the input.
- 2. The boolean askAQuestion(char operator) method. Write a method called askAQuestion() that will accept one of the three arithmetic operators as a char parameter. Write this method as follows:
- First, generate two random integer values between 1 and 99 (both inclusive) upon which the operator will be applied.
- Next, prompt the student to answer that question in a message. You must give the student 3 tries to answer the question correctly. For each incorrect answer, print a message indicating that the answer is not correct and ask them to try again.
- The method should return true if the student found the correct answer in at most
3 tries, and false otherwise.
Note. Think of appropriate constant values to use in this method, and declare them as global named constants in your program.
Hint. Use Math.random() to generate random integer values.
- 3. The main() method. In the main() method, you will ask the student at least once to enter an operator by calling the getOperator() method and then will ask him/her a question on that operator by calling the askAQuestion() method. Then, you will ask the student whether s/he would like to continue with another question. If so, you will prompt him/her to enter another operator and will ask him/her a new question on that operator by calling the getOperator() and askAQuestion() methods, respectively. Your program must continue until the student enters either ‘n’ or ‘N’ when asked whether s/he wants to continue. See the sample outputs below.
Here are two sample outputs of the program:
“Welcome to Our Computer Aided Instruction!” Enter a valid operator (+ or – or *): /
Enter a valid operator (+ or – or *): +
3+58? 62
Awe, nooo!! Try again:
3+58? 61
Great job!
Would you like to continue (y/n)? N
End of the program.
The program was written by Stu Dent.
“Welcome to Our Computer Aided Instruction!” Enter a valid operator (+ or – or *): *
38*14? 245
Awe, nooo!! Try again:
38*14? 357
Awe, nooo!! Try again:
38*14? 425
Sorry, you missed all of your 3 chances!
Would you like to continue (y/n)? Y Enter a valid operator (+ or – or *): –
41-18? 22
Awe, nooo!! Try again:
41-18? 21
Awe, nooo!! Try again:
41-18? 23
Great job!
Would you like to continue (y/n)? n
End of the program.
The program was written by Stu Dent.
Hand in: Your Java source code, according to the instructions on page 1. Also, submit one output file containing the results from running your program three times as follows.
- In the first test, the student first enters ‘s’ as an invalid operator, then enters ‘+’, answers the question correctly in the second try and then exits.
- In the second test, the student enters ‘*’ as a valid operator, is not able to answer the question correctly within 3 tries and exits.
- In the third test, the student starts with ‘-’ as the operator and does not answer the question correctly within 3 tries. Then, s/he will continue with ‘*’, answers the question correctly in the first try and then exits.
Question 2 — File Auto Correction
In this question, you will write a program that reads in a text file specified by the user. It will also allow the user to specify one particular word. It will then “auto-correct” that word in the file by looking for very similar words. Download the file AutoCorrectMe.txt from the assignment folder in D2L, and put it in the same location as your Java program for this question. Write your progra m as follows:
- 1. The String getFileName() method. Write a method called getFileName() that will prompt the user (using out.print) to enter the name of a file, and return that name as a String. Your program must keep prompting the user for a file name until a name is entered that ends with “.txt”.
- 2. The boolean similarWords(String word1, String word2) method. This method should return true if 1) the two words have exactly the same length, and 2) they differ in exactly 1 character. So similarWords(“text”,”test”) should return true, but similarWords(“tests”,”test”) should return false since they’re not the same length, and similarWords(“text”,”nest”) should return false since more than one letter is different. It should do this in a case-insensitive way (make both words all upper case, or all lower case, before comparing them).
- 3. The String correctThisLine(String currentLine, String correctWord) method.
This method should use a Scanner to process all of the words in currentLine. You may assume that the line consists only of words separated by blanks. It should replace every word in the line that is “similar” to correctWord (as defined above) by correctWord itself, and leave every other word unchanged. The method should return the modified line.
- 4. The main() method. This method should use the getFileName() method to allow the user to select a file. It should also prompt the user for the word that must be corrected. It should then use a Scanner to read all of the lines from this file (use the Scanner’s nextLine() and hasNextLine() methods), process each of the lines using correctThisLine, and print out the results.
The supplied file AutoCorrectMe.txt contains:
I like progrimming in Java because programminh allows me to do new things and krogramming is a useful
problem solving skill so lets do a lot of programmings Here are many variations of the word PROgrammin PROGRAMMING Programming programping programmING
Here is sample output from the program. The user input and the replaced words are shown in purple:
Enter the name of the file: AutoCorrectMe
The file name must end with .txt
Enter the name of the file: AutoCorrectMe.txt
Which word do you wish to auto correct: Programming
The corrected file is:
I like Programming in Java because Programming allows
me to do new things and Programming is a useful
problem solving skill so lets do a lot of programmings Here are many variations of the word PROgrammin PROGRAMMING Programming Programming programmING
End of the program.
The program was written by Stu Dent.
Hand in: Your Java source code, according to the instructions on page 1. Also, submit one output file containing the results from running your program on the supplied AutoCorrectMe.txt file using the word “Programming”, as shown above.
Question 3 —Drawing a Column Chart for Students’ Grades
A chart is a visual representation of data in which the data is shown by some symbol. In a column chart the data is shown with vertical rectangular bars with heights proportional to the values that they represent (see Figure 2 on the next page for an example). In this question, you will draw a column chart using StdDraw for the grades of students in a class. Your program will first ask the user for the number of students, followed by their grades, and then will draw a column chart with the grade of each student shown as one column. Write your program as follows:
- 1. The void drawAxes() method. Write a method called drawAxes() that will draw the axes of the chart such that the axes intersect each other at (0.1, 1); see Figure 1(a). Your method must create an empty chart that looks like the one shown in Figure 1(b). Note that the pen thickness for drawing axes must be three times ticker than its default value.
Note. Think of appropriate constant values to use in this method, and ensure that you declare them as global named constants in your program.
(a) (b)
Figur e 1. The axes of the column chart.
- 2. The main() method. Write your main() method as follows:
- First, call the drawAxes() method to draw the axes of the chart.
- Next, using JOptionPane, ask the user to enter the number of students using an appropriate prompt.
- Recall that the width of the StdDraw window is 1.0. Therefore, the width of the columns in your chart will vary depending on the number of students. However,
the space between two adjacent columns may be fixed. For this program, you can
assume that the space between two adjacent columns is always equal to 0.05. There will also be the same amount of space before the first column, and after the last one.
- Define a variable columnWidth for the width of each column, and calculate its value.
Hint. Use the number of students, the space between adjacent columns and the fact that the origin of the chart is at (0.1, 0.1) to calculate columnWidth.
- In a for loop, prompt the user to enter the grade of each student ( an integer percentage between 0 and 100) using JOptionPane, and then call the drawColumn() method (see below) to draw the column representing the grade.
- Print a message indicating the end of the program that includes your name.
Note. Think of appropriate constant values to use in this method, and ensure that you declare them as global named constants in your program.
- 3. The void drawColumn(double width, int studentIndex, int grade) method.
This method should draw one column of the chart for the current student. The method accepts three parameters: the first is the width of the column, the second indicates the index of this student (i.e., 1st student, 2nd student, and so on), and the last one is his/her grade (0-100). Write this method as follows:
- First, draw the column on the chart as a filled blue rectangle.
Note. You need to create a formula that works for drawing all columns at their correct position in the chart. To this end, use the index and grade of the student as well as the column width and the fixed space between adjacent columns.
- Next, label the axes using a red pen as follows: write the student index on the horizontal axis below the column and the student’s grade on the vertical axis at the appropriate height depending on the grade. See Figure 2 for an example, where the grades for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd students are 25, 58 and 35, respectively.
Figur e 2. An illustration of labels for each colu mn.
Hand in: Your Java source code, according to the instructions on page 1. Run your program twice, the first time using 4 students with grades of 43, 100, 0, and 77. The second time, use 6 students with grades of 30, 60, 90, 70, 40, and 10. Each time, use the “Save…” command in the “File” menu in the StdDraw graphics window to save the image that you get. Use the names LastnameFirstNameA3Q3Test1.jpg and LastnameFirstNameA3Q3Test2.jpg. Hand in these two output files.
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