Clarence Thomas-Ethical Issues

Clarence Thomas-Ethical Issues



Introduction.  This assignment involves the preparation of a short (~5 pages) paper and brief oral presentation of that paper subject in class.  The paper and presentation will be due Monday,  March 7, 2016. Oral presentations (~5 minutes) will take place that night.


The topic of the paper should touch upon an ethical issue covered in our class ethical shortcomings or other class materials or perhaps one of your choosing.  It need not be a criminal justice or legal issue.  In fact, it might be more interesting to you to find a subject outside your normal knowledge base. Consider some possible topics from list below.


Paper.  The paper should be three or so (double-spaced) pages in length and have footnotes, endnotes or short bibliography. In the paper, I would like you to describe 1) the ethical/ legal problem involved, 2) the laws, codes or standards involved, 3) the impact of the illegal/unethical conduct and 4) your opinion on the matter.


The oral presentation needs to be about 5 minutes long and is an important part of the assignment.  I ask that you prepare, edit and practice for this class presentation. PLEASE do not read your paper to the class. This part of the assignment is designed to test your oral presentation and editing skills. You can be and are encouraged to be creative if you desire.  After your oral presentation, a brief period (two minutes or less) will be made available for questions to be asked of you. You can be sure I will ask you at least one question about your topic after your presentation.  You should also be prepared to address questions fellow students may have about your presentation. You may use PowerPoint but it is not required. Please prepare a one-page summary of your topic for distribution to fellow students (17 copies).


Points.  For this assignment, the total possible score is 60 points. The paper is worth up to 40 points and the oral presentation up to 20 points.


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