Choice of Accounting Methods essay writing services

please answer the case study question:
Outline the main agency problems that exist in the relationship between owners and managers
Do accountants and financial reporting play a role in reducing agency problems? Illustrate with an example.

= please no need Reference
– you have to mention the company names the answer
– my opinion should be clear in the introduction and conclusion

paraphrase the question and give my opinion for or against the case
= CONTEXT: please talk about the ASX roles and give background for the regulation
please talk about the case effect on the company future and investment that could lead to negative or positive effect
= conclusion:
please write my opinion again and summary the case in on line

Decision Case

Outline the main agency problems that exist in the relationship between owners and managers

Do accountants and financial reporting play a role in reducing agency problems? Illustrate with an example.

How to answer a decision case

  • Step1: State your position with a short justification
  • Step2: Reasons, research and examples to support your position
  • Step3: Reasons , research and examples for rejecting the alternatives
  • Step4: Conclude by restating your position in light of your arguments

Example structure for Response to Decision Case.

Introduction   – State the problem  – don’t just restate the case , and clearly indicate your decision/opinion.

Context/Scene setting  – give any relevant or necessary background information that provides context to your case.  This should be short and provide a framework in which to structure your augments.  Some level of knowledge can be assumed.

Body – These are the arguments that support your case.

  • Set them out logically so it’s easy to read, understand and your work flows. Always explain your argument and be clear why or how it supports your case (make the link between the argument and your opinion!).
  • Think – WHY is this important, WHY am I making this argument, HOW does it support my case.


Limitations/counter arguments – Acknowledge any limitations to your arguments or counter arguments that exist, this shows understanding of the whole case and the issues – remember it’s never black and white!


Conclusion -Wrap it up and restate your decision and why you made it.


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