CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This chapter of the study provides a brief synopsis

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This chapter of the study provides a brief synopsis


This chapter of the study provides a brief synopsis of the concepts discussed in the research report. The initial requirements and the preliminaries of the study are introduces in this section. The researcher identified the main objectives that this research was planned to obtained and attain on the point of completion. Introduction is one of the sections that explain the whole study in brief. The outline of the study added in the end of this section depicts the contents and setting of all the chapters following introduction.

1.1 Research Explication

Management and running a business entity that endeavours to maintain its profits in the market full of competitors is not as easy as it looks to the outside world. There are numerous aspects in a business that needs constant controlling, vigilance and monitoring. According to Misra-Hebert, (2003) businesses belonging to different industries and sectors have different needs and corresponding to the needs, their controlling and monitoring mechanisms vary. Hospital Industry is one of those sectors which require immense monitoring and scrutiny due to the level of sensitivity of business that it deals with. Everything that is present on this planet has one of the three purposes; to create ease for mankind, to prolong the life of mankind and to satisfy the basic needs of mankind that is why when the whole system of this globe revolves around the human entity; every business that is connected to Human life naturally becomes a sensitive and a vital area of concern.

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