CES: Manufacturing Process Selection
This assignment contributes 30% to your final module mark.
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an understanding of:
1. the diversity of processes involved in successful and economic materials and component manufacture. 2. the inter-relations between material, process, design/shape, performance and economics. 3. the range of techniques available for the joining of engineering materials and be able to select processes to optimise both bulk and surface properties.
and the ability to:
4. establish and interpret the natures and effects of important process variables. 5. deal with aspects of manufacturing processes in a quantitative manner.
6. analyse and discuss the specific features of processes associated with the manufacture of metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers and polymer composite components. 7. employ process selection software and understand its underlying methodology. 8. select appropriate manufacturing/processing strategies on the basis of given
You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the University Infringement of Assessment Regulations (see your Programme Guide). Plagiarism, paraphrasing and downloading large amounts of information from external sources, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely. Although you should make full use of any source material, which would normally be an occasional sentence and/or paragraph (referenced) followed by your own critical analysis/evaluation. You will receive no marks for work that is not your own. Your work may be subject to checks for originality which can include use of an electronic plagiarism detection service.
Where you are asked to submit an individual piece of work, the work must be entirely your own. The safety of your assessments is your responsibility. You must not permit another student access to your work.
Where referencing is required, unless otherwise stated, the Harvard referencing system must be used (see your Programme Guide).
Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES Edupack 2014) Software
1. Introduction
CES software is a tool designed to aid in the process of materials and manufacturing process selection. To this end it can be used as:
(i) a database of information on materials and processes
Covered in Year 1 (EAT104)
(ii) a selection tool for materials and/or processes
CES is a powerful tool in helping to choose the most appropriate materials and manufacturing processes for engineering components. In this module (EAT 227), we are going to concentrate on process selection. Next year, in the module MEX 312, we will turn our attention to materials selection.
In terms of materials selection, how do you go about choosing the best material for a given engineering application? What material(s) would be best suited for the manufacture of (say) bicycle forks, flywheels or pressure vessels? Knowing the right questions to ask makes the process easier. So, what sort of questions do we need to ask to make sure we get the correct choice? Such factors include cost, performance (e.g. mechanical, thermal), size, shape etc. CES uses a particularly strong but simple methodology to aid the materials selection process.
In terms of process selection, how do you go about choosing the best manufacturing process for a given component? For instance, how would you select a process to manufacture large steel pressure vessels? How would you manufacture a polyethylene milk carton? To answer such questions you need to know what distinguishes one manufacturing process from another. What questions must be asked to decide which manufacturing process is best?
The methodologies employed within CES to aid selection of either materials or processes are quite similar. Each relies on knowing the critical questions to ask.
2. The Task
Your task is to learn about manufacturing process selection methodology through the use of CES selection software (i.e. as a selection tool for manufacturing processes – see point (ii) above). You must provide detailed documentary evidence (of your own design) proving that you can navigate the software for all eventualities where its use as a process selection tool is required. You may use both screen capture and copy/paste functions to show your navigation process, but make sure to include your own words when requested.
2.1 Task Definition
Part 1: Navigation through Processes
1. Open CES software. Choose Aerospace database.
2. In “Browse” mode, select Table: “Process Universe” and Subset: “All Processes”.
3. Choose one process from each of the 3 categories available (Joining, Shaping and Surface Treatment).
4. In your own words, give a summary of each of the 3 processes chosen. For each process, make sure you include information on (i) the nature of the process, (ii) the types of materials which can be processed in this way and (iii) the characteristics of the components which are produced by the process (size, shape, dimensional tolerance etc) and (iv) economics of the process.
Part 2: In-Depth Case Study of Process Selection
1. Open “CES In Depth” (Follow “Help”, “CES Help” and find “CES In-Depth” under the “Contents” tab)
2. Choose “Process Universe”
3. Select “Case Studies”
4. Choose one of the process selection case studies presented.
5. Copy/Paste the case study directly into your report.
6. Go back to the main CES programme window. You are now going to work through the chosen process selection exercise manually.
7. Click “Select” tab.
8. Choose the appropriate “Process Universe” category for your chosen process selection case study.
9. Reproduce every selection step (i.e. plot selection charts etc) exactly as described in the case study.
10. Provide your own commentary which shows clearly how you perform each step of the selection exercise and which links them together.
11. Write an overview of your process selection case study in your own words. This will require you to gather information for sources outside CES. Reference all external sources correctly (Harvard Referencing).
12. Write an overview of the Eco-Audit Tool in CES and explain how it may be used in the context of manufacturing process selection.
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