Career Path Report 2: Practitioner interview
Hi there,
This assignment is for my personal financial planning class (Finance) this is a second part of the career path assignment that the professor wants us to do here is the assignment description & instructions from the professor:
In addition to doing research on a career, you have the opportunity to earn points for the class by interviewing a practitioner in your chosen field. You should be prepared with a list of 10 questions similar to the items in the career path paper, but be prepared to let your subject take you into areas you hadn’t thought of. If you ask just one or two open ended questions (how did you get into this business? What would be a good development plan to enter this profession?) they will usually take over and give you a ton of information about the career. Its Due soon, so if you haven’t lined up an interviewee yet, get moving. I’ve also attached an interview format under course documents if you have trouble coming up with one of your own.
The assignment is to create questions and prepare report with both questions & answers and summary of your learning at the end of the paper.
· All reports will use Ariel type font, 12 pitch and double line spacing. All written reports will consist of 1 page plus separate citations sheet.
· For all writing assignments the following shall apply: Completion of general requirements (above) – 50% / Grammar, spelling & sentence structure – 20% / Relativity of content – 20% / Format – 10%.
**This will be checked on Safe assign, and multiple databases to prevent plagiarism. Please be careful.**
And here is the document that he talks about:
Interview Guidelines
First, show up dressed for business. This is only an assignment, but I’ve had students get job offers as a result of their practitioner interview. Second, use a firm handshake, feel confident and smile. It’s amazing how much of your personality changes when you smile. Even over the phone people can tell when you’re smiling. Third, use formal language until you’re invited to do otherwise if the person is over 45 years old (Mr., Ms., please, thank you very much etc.). The older professionals appreciate the “respect” and will usually invite you to go casual right away. By now you should be seated (maybe with a beverage) and are ready to begin the interview.
“I’m on a project for a class in the School of Business at vcu, and need to get some real-world input regarding (the field the person works in, ie: interior design, nuclear fusion, pet products), and compare it to the research I’ve done. Can you help me?” If you plan to use a recorder, ask permission.
1 – How did you come to work here at (name of business or organization)?
Be prepared to ask follow up questions such as “Was that a difficult decision?”
2 – What is a typical day in the life of a (job title)?
Possible follow-up: “Does that schedule allow for a full personal life?”
3 – What would an ideal candidate for (job title at this company) look like today?
4 – My research indicates that the average income for (job title) is $___________. Do you think that’s an accurate number?
Possible follow up: “My research also shows an average starting income of $___________. Does that seem about right to you?
5 – What do you see as the potential income progression over a career?
6 – What other pathways does a career in (job title) lead to?
I think since you wrote in the career path assignment that the career I’m interesting in is (Lawyer) you need to interview someone in this field. You can pick anyone you want but he/she has to be working as police officer or something related. You can do the interview via email if it’s possible.
*For the citations you need to provide the name of the person you are interviewing with he/she job title and the date& time you did the interview with the email if it was via email*
I hope this is everything that you need. Please let me know if you need anything.
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