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Blood donation is a key program in an organization mandated with the responsibility of providing blood and blood products to health institutions. The Blood Bank of Delmarva is one such organization located in the Peninsula region (Stenmark 2009). There are different attributes and perceptions associated with blood donation. Therefore, identifying such attributes and understanding what motivates blood donors to donate blood will greatly improve the performance of the organization.

Type of Variable. Variables.
I. Nominal variables.
  1. Have you donated blood at the Blood Bank of Delmarva?
  1. Are you a member of the Blood Bank of Delmarva?
  1. Are you male or female?
  1. What is your race/ethnicity?
  1. What is your marital status?
  1. Assurance that blood will be there for me when I need it / when my family needs it.
  1. The Blood Bank of Delmarva makes me feel appreciated for donating blood.
  1. Coverage for blood costs.
  1. Community support / someone else needs it.
  1. Are you currently employed?
II. Ordinal Variables.
  1. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
  1. How often do you typically donate blood?
  1. Please specify your household family size (including yourself).
  1. Please indicate the length of time you have lived in the community.
III. Interval variables.
  1. When I call to make an appointment at the Blood Bank, they get me an appointment as fast as I want.
  1. When I go to the Blood Bank to donate blood, I don’t have to wait too long for the receptionist to sign me in.
  1. After the receptionist has signed me in, I don’t have to wait too long for my screening interview.
  1. The staff makes me feel at ease when I give blood.
  1. The needle used during my blood donation does not concern me too much.
  1. The Blood Bank of Delmarva has been very informative about the membership program.
  1. I am confident that the blood I donate is going to good use.
  1. I am not discouraged from donating blood even if I don’t always qualify.
  1. I do not have trouble finding time during the day to donate blood.
  1. I feel like I belong to a special group when I donate blood.
  1. When I donate blood, I feel that the staff is focused on me.
  1. Being a member of the Blood Bank of Delmarva makes me feel like I am appreciated.
  1. I feel like I am part of a special community as a member of the Blood Bank of Delmarva.
  1. Even if, the $5 ($2 for 65 or older) yearly fee to belong to the Blood Bank of Delmarva was higher, I would not cancel my membership.
  1. My membership with the Blood Bank of Delmarva would become more important if the cost of blood at the hospital goes up.
  1. Overall, how satisfied are you with the Blood Bank of Delmarva?
  1. Feeling that many people are helped with one donation.
  1. Supporting a good cause by donating blood.
  1. Giving back to community by donating blood.
  1. Feeling that my donation is making a difference.
  1. Blood donation is used for a good cause.
  1. Ensuring blood availability for my community.
  1. Ensuring blood availability for my family / friends.
  1. The staff at the donation site is experienced.
  1. What is your household income before taxes?
IV. Ratio Scales.
  1. How old are you?
  1. How many times have you donated blood in the last 2 years?

A. Descriptive statistics: Demographics.

  • There were 112 female respondents (56%) and 88 male respondents (44%).
  • From those interviewed in the survey, the oldest person is 70 years, while the youngest person is 17 years. The average age of those interviewed in the survey is 49 years.
  • The Caucasian ethnicity constitutes 88.5% of the respondents.
  • Most respondents have completed at least high school education.
  • 93.3% of the respondents have a household income of more than $20,000 before taxes.
  • Married respondents constitute 62.5% of all the respondents.
  • A majority of the respondents’ household family (58.7%) consists of 2-3 members. 21.9% of the respondents’ household family consists of 4-6 members (Paulos 1988).
  • A majority of the respondents have lived in the community for more than 10 years.
  • The currently employed respondents are the majority constituting 70.3% of all those sampled in the survey.

B. Descriptive statistics: Blood donation

  • Out of all the respondents that have donated blood previously, 23.1% donate blood more often than every 6 months.
  • 111 respondents, which constitute 55.5% of all the respondents, have donated blood once in the last 2 years.
  • 84% of the respondents have donated blood at the Blood Bank of Delmarva.

C. Descriptive statistics: Membership and usage of Blood Bank of Delmarva.

  • Most respondents (83%) are members of the Blood Bank of Delmarva.
  • Assurance that blood will be there for them when they need it, or when it is needed by their families, motivates 62.5% of the respondents to donate blood at the Blood Bank of Delmarva.
  • Appreciation for donating blood from the Blood Bank of Delmarva is not the major motivating factor for most respondents who donate blood at the Blood Bank of Delmarva.
  • The blood cost coverage does not motivate the majority of the blood donors at the Blood Bank of Delmarva.
  • 40.5% of the respondents donate blood at the Blood Bank of Delmarva to support the community support or help somebody in need of it.

D. Descriptive statistics: Attitudes towards blood donation.

  • Blood donation makes the majority of the respondents feel that they belong to a special group of people.
  • Most respondents are not much concerned about the needle used during their blood donation.
  • 64.7% of the respondents feel that one blood donation assists many people.
  • 68.5% of the respondents feel that they are supporting a good cause by donating blood.
  • Most respondents feel that blood donation is a way of giving back to the community.
  • The majority of the blood donors seem to feel that they are making a difference by donating blood (Khadraoui 2007).

E. Descriptive statistics: Satisfaction with Blood Bank of Delmarva

  • Overall 81% of the respondents are very satisfied with the Blood Bank of Delmarva.

F. Descriptive statistics: Performance of Blood Bank of Delmarva

  • According to most respondents, the staff of Blood Bank of Delmarva has an excellent work experience.
  • The Blood Bank of Delmarva makes most blood donors feel that one blood donation assists many people.
  • The Blood Bank of Delmarva performs extremely well, according to 68.5% of the respondents, in making the blood donors feel they are supporting a noble cause.
  • Blood Bank of Delmarva performs extremely well, as rated by most of the respondents, in making blood donors feel that they pay back to the community when they donate blood.
  • According to a large majority of respondents, the Blood Bank of Delmarva performs extremely well in making blood donors feel that they make a difference (Green 2008).
  • The Blood Bank of Delmarva performs extremely well in creating assurance that blood donations go to a good cause.
  • Blood Bank of Delmarva performs extremely well in ensuring blood availability in the communities of most respondents.
  • According to most respondents, the Blood Bank of Delmarva performs extremely well in ensuring that blood is available to their families and friends.

Most of the respondents have positive attitudes associated with donating blood. The feeling that blood donation is a good cause was quite significant amongst the respondents. This is because the majority of respondents believe that the donated blood will assist people who need it, including themselves, their families, and other people (Burrill 1992). The Blood Bank of Delmarva should, however, target and encourage more males, unemployed people, and single people to donate blood.


The findings of the market survey done by Optimal Strategix Group show that most respondents are very much satisfied with the Blood Bank of Delmarva performance. The majority of the respondents of the survey have positive attitudes to blood donation. They believe that the donated blood will assist people who need it, including themselves, their families, and other people.

However, the Blood Bank of Delmarva should target and encourage more males, unemployed people, and single people to donate blood. This could be done through civic education, advertisement and through making of blood donation outlets more accessible to anyone who wishes to donate blood. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT!

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