Buy College Papers on Exhibits Exercise

Each members consider A-Point of each slide, and write it in the sheet below. For example, if you think that A-Point of the slide “1992 Federal Regulation Will Change Market Distribution of Efficiencies” should be “Regulation changed technology,” please write it in the row “New A Point.” Please see example in red in the sheet.
I found HP of Copeland Scroll compressor.

Copeland is a company name or brand name. Scroll means Scroll compressor, a type of compressors.
Recip probably means Reciprocating compressor.

2. Write new order of the slides in the sheet. For example, if you think that the slide “1992 Federal Regulation Will Change Market Distribution of Efficiencies” should be the second slide. You write “2” in the row “New slide order.”

I hope that this creative way will work. My explanation may not enough. If you have any question,

please answer the question


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