business and society class
business and society class
1. Identify and describe the ethical responsibilities a business has to its stakeholders.
5 should be 75 to 150 words, but may go longer depending on the topic. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source.
2. Identify and discuss the government’s rational for regulating businesses. Do you agree or disagree with it? Why or why not?
business and society class
5 should be 75 to 150 words, but may go longer depending on the topic. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source.
3. Identify and discuss the importance of ethics in the workplace. What do you think the business world would be like without them? Why?
5 should be 75 to 150 words, but may go longer depending on the topic. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source.
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