Business Law case study paper writing service

Media Reports

Choose ONE of the following three media reports to answer the assignment one questions:

  1. ‘Man Takes Cop Car on Rampage’ The Weekend West(online) February 28

  1. ‘Crime Body Has Eyes on Scandal at Healthway’ The West Australian(online) February 27

  1. ‘ACCC OK’s Fairfax-McQuarie Radio Merger’ The West Australian  (online) February 24


Hello there!Firstly I wanna say thanks ^_^ for ur help!

There are three media reports that choose one of them to answer four questions.

And I will also upload some lecture notes, I wish that could be helpful to ur work~

If u has any questions, just let me know asap. I will check the website mes everyday.

Anyway, Thank you so much! O(∩_∩)O

Students are required to select one media report fromthe three reports provided on Blackboard under the assessment folder.
Students are required to identify and analyse the legal issues arising in their chosen report through answering a series of questions. Students need to apply a similar approach to that used in the Topic
1 case study, ‘The Swimming Stadium’, to their chosen media report.
Format of assignments
Assignments cannot be handwritten and must comply with the following format requirements:
• Document type: Word or pdf (pdf preferred);
• Font: Arial or similar font – no smaller than 12 point in size;
• Pages: Numbered in top or bottom margin;
• Spacing: Appropriate line spacing and paragraph spacing; and
• Margins: At least 2.5 cm top, left, right & bottom.
Assignments which do not conform with the above requirements, without prior agreement of the unit coordinator, will either be returned to the student unmarked or will have marks deducted.
Three marks have been allocated to the presentation of the assignment document. The following will be taken into account when allocating marks for presentation:
• attachment of cover sheet (located on Blackboard under the ‘Assessment’ folder) must be attached to the assignment;
• appropriate sentence structure;
• correct grammar, spelling and punctuation;
• consistent format;
• appropriate use of headings and sub-headings;
• within the acceptable word limit; and
• appropriate referencing and acknowledgment of sources.
Word Limit
The total assignment should be a minimumof 500 words and not exceed 2000 words.
1 of 4
2 of 4
Please provide a word count on your cover sheet. A penalty of 10% will be imposed for every 100 words that exceed the word limit. The assignment will not be assessed if it exceeds 3000 words and will result in a ZERO mark.
The word count does not include the following:
• cover sheet;
• in-text referencing;
• list of references; and
• headings.
Referencing and appropriate acknowledgement of sources
Most often errors in referencing are incidental or clearly inadvertent. In the event of a level one incident of plagiarism occurring, a student may be contacted by the University and required to undertake further training or remedial work in relation to referencing.Where the lack of correct referencing appears to contravene the University policy on plagiarism, the student’s paper will be referred to the Unit Coordinator and dealt with according to University policy. This may amount to academic misconduct.
An important aspect of the University Plagiarism Policy is recognition that not all plagiarism is intentional or involves cheating. If students are not learning as expected, they will be made aware of their difficulties and helped to improve. Those who deliberately choose to cheat by way of plagiarism, however, will be identified and dealt with accordingly.
Students are strongly advised to understand their responsibilities in relation to correct referencing and should consult the Unit Outline, the Business Law 100 presentation slides on referencing and Blackboard for more information.
Please read the submission process carefully. Students should understand that compliance with instructions in relation to an assessment task is critical.

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