Business Implications of Moving to The Cloud: Considerations and Perspectives
I believe many businesses should consider moving their I.T. systems to the cloud sooner rather than later. The cloud, a new emerging technology in the IT world, consists of compute, memory and storage. When considering converting any business’s IT systems to the cloud, there are several considerations that must be made. First of all, a full understanding of the cloud and its advantages must be researched in order to make the decision to move some or all of a business’s IT systems there. The cost incurred to the business must be weighed. Finally, one must decide if this is logistically a sound transition for a company. These points must be considered for the small, medium and large business independently to allow for a smart and well thought out conversion.
Required Outline:
In this section, I will introduce why businesses today should consider moving to the cloud
History of the Cloud
In this section, I will give a history of the how data centers, a.k.a. the cloud came to be today, and how data centers will continue to be built in the future. Further I will highlight the difference between public, private, and hybrid clouds
Realistic Use Cases of 3 different sized businesses moving their I.T. systems to the cloud. Including, email, P.O.S., Database, File storage, Web, and application server(s).
Small business
Estimate Cost
Medium business
Estimate Cost
Large business
Estimate Cost
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