bronze statement essay writing services


Choose one of your top strengths and use the STAR technique to explain where you have developed or used this skill previously.


Situation Brief background

about the situation – setting/time

Provide more detail –

What did you have to do?

Actions What positive

actions did YOU take to achieve the task?

Result What were the

positive outcomes of your actions?

The STAR technique is an excellent guide to follow when you want to discuss a past experience. You may also want to use this technique when addressing criteria 4, 5 & 6.


  • Criterion 1 

                   1. Your three key strengths, related to potential employment options, with examples of how you have developed and demonstrated these.
  • The first two criteria you are asked to address in your Bronze statement are based around knowing your strengths and areas for development. The best way to discover this is to carry out a strengths audit. You can do this by carrying out either of the activities below.
  1. Carry out our online Strengths Audit App.
This test will ask you to about how enjoyable you find using a skill, and how much evidence you have to demonstrate you have utilised or developed it through previous experience.
Once you’ve completed all your responses, you will be able to view and print your own personalised report!
  2. Download the Strengths Audit worksheet
The worksheet will ask you to think about how enjoyable you find using a skill, and how much evidence you have to demonstrate you have utilised or developed it through previous experience.

Once you have carried out the strengths audit you should have an idea of your three key strengths and one area for development which you will discuss in your statement.

Evidencing your strengths
  • You will notice that criterion 1 is asking you to provide evidence to demonstrate where you have utilised or developed your strengths. It is important to note that you may have gained these strengths within a number of different settings and they are equally valid. You may have gained these strengths from:
    • University course projects
    • Part time jobs / holiday work
    • Industrial / commercial placements
    • Voluntary work
    • Travelling (independent travel)
    • Leisure activities (if relevant) End Mashup
Showing you have gained a number of strengths within a variety of settings is something that employers look for so try to reference a number of different experiences throughout your statement.
Be a STAR!When presenting evidence or an example, either in person or on paper, there is an easy structure you can use to ensure you stay focused and present it in a clear and concise manner. This is called the STAR technique.
 You can download this image as a word document here: docx 
For example…
SituationI used excellent communication skills when producing and delivering a presentation in my first year of university
TaskI had to produce a 5 minute presentation on …. to be presented to 30 fellow students and my tutor
ActionI used PowerPoint in order to produce a visual backdrop to my presentation. I used powerful images and highlighted key points in order to accent the key messages of my presentation. I avoided using jargon and complicated language in order to ensure the audience could follow the presentation.
ResultsI received positive feedback from my peers who stated they found the presentation easy to follow and engaging. I also received a high mark of 72% for the piece of work.
Download a Be a STAR worksheet and use it to have a go at presenting evidence of when you have utilised or developed one of your key strengths.
End Mashup End Mashup
  • Criterion 2 

                 2. An area/skill, related to potential employment options, which you need to develop, together with a realistic action plan for overcoming your area for development.
  • Identify your area for development
Firstly you need to identify an area or skill which you would like to develop. You will want to think about an area or skill which is particularly important in the career you are wishing to pursue. It is a good idea to take a look at the entry requirements of job roles and sectors you are interested in and see how you currently match up. You can check out the Prospects website which has over 400 job profiles which highlight skills and entry requirements needed to be successful at application. You can also take a look at live vacancies and in particular the person specification which outlines the skills and personal attributes needed in order to apply for the post.

Create an action plan
Once you have selected an area for development you will want to put together an action plan which would convince an employer that you are serious about pursuing personal and professional development. You will want to make sure your action plan is SMART.

              Suggested actions
In order to address your development need you may want to think about utilising the following mechanisms;
One-to-one support
Self-directed learning (online resources etc.)
Workshops, training or qualifications
Work experience (paid/voluntary)
Seeking promotion/responsibilities in current work

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