Coaching Theory and Practice

*** The subject area is not Psychology. The course I am studying is Applied Social Science and the unit is Coaching, but these were not options in the drop down menu *** The Essay is a Reflective Essay: Reflect on a change that you would personally like to make. Write a reflective essay discussing the […]

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The topic of this workshop is policy analysis. The workshop provides an introduction to what is meant by policy, what policy analysis is, and some key methods used in critical policy analysis.

You are required to produce a 2000 word assignment on a policy topic of your choice. This should: Set out an initial outline of the issue or topic. What is the ‘presenting problem’? This should provide a background to the problem, explaining why it is of policy relevance and concern. What is your initial assessment […]

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Friendly Sustainable Transport System

As an environmental consultant, your role is to provide guidelines and information on issues related to the impact of the current or existing transportation systems of the Greater London region, on the environment, and the local population, in particular. You are presently advising on the replacement of the current transport system. Analyse and discuss how […]

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Individual, Group and Organisational Behaviour

Requires The work is to write an essay or report in the form of a critical analysis, and to analyse the impact of training and development of employees on the development of a positive, results-driven culture The work will require at least 10 references and must lead to conclusions on your part with regard to […]

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An assessment of the economic impact of the 2012 Olympics on London

An assessment of the economic impact of the 2012 Olympics on London. As well as a summary of the overall costs and benefits – derived from published estimates from independent and reliable sources and supported by data – you should concentrate on three of the following aspects in detail. The impact of the Games on […]

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Linguistic Variations and Chinese learners acquisition of English

Literature Review   For a sociolinguistic variable of your choice you will prepare a 7 page (double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins) literature review examining the linguistic and extra-linguistic factors associated with variant choice in a range of L1 and L2 populations. Your literature review must contain: i) an introduction in which you outline […]

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