berkeley case analysis

berkeley case analysis

Here attached the berkeley case analysis, please read it and answer the questions.

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Berkeley Case Assignment — due 8/15
Berkeley Case Assignment
By Matt DeLuca
Learning Objectives for Gap Analysis with Case Presentation
Assume the role of the Manager of the Department at the University of California (Berkeley) responsible for the distribution of all mail. Given the scenario as described below, using Gap Analysis, identify, diagnose, and provide an effective, timely solution that requires a manager’s intervention.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this assignment and presentation students will:
· Recognize opportunities that will result in win-win solutions due to their involvement;
· Define the elements that comprise a situation that demands a solution, that includes recognizing a “problem” that requires their intervention;
· State, with specific details, what constitutes the solution (desired state);
· Identify the characteristics that define the current state;
· Execute an action plan that will reduce (or eliminate) the gap to acceptable standards, as defined by the student/manager;
· Lead to permanent change both for the student/manager and the environment where the action plan was executed;
· Develop a sense of urgency that enhances an action orientation;
· Determine that gap analysis is a simple but most effective problem-solving tool and this presentation provides one more opportunity to make it part of the student’s DNA;
· Be convinced that a manager is more effective when s/he develops a sense of ownership in others
· Realize that in every situation that requires a manager’s involvement, the student is either training others or they are training him/her.

Please read the case and then answer the following.
Assuming that you are the manager for the department that was responsible for the delivery of the Fulbright package at UC — Berkeley, answer the following.
1. Perform a gap analysis – paying careful attention to your delineation of the desired state.

2. Identify briefly what you would do at…


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