Becoming a Pediatrician

Becoming a Pediatrician

Motivational Success Factors: around 4 pages a. Apply at least four distinct theories, concepts, or studies from our course books. You must use both books. Focus on the chapters that we will have read by the paper due date: Work Motivation chapters 1-5 and Great Workplace chapters 1-5. Additional research is OK, of course. b. Use those theories, concepts, and/or study findings to describe your motivational success factors: i. What types of working conditions, management styles, work duties, salaries, benefits, coworkers, organizational design, etc. would motivate you and why; in other words, what would help you to be successful in this career? ii. What would not motivate you and why; in other words, what would make it difficult for you to succeed in this career? 6. Conclusion: around 1 page a. Summarize what you discussed in the paper. b. Describe the key discoveries you made about the motivational success factors for your career aspiration. c. Talk about what was surprising and what was not surprising. d. Talk about actions that you are going to take, based on what you learnedMotivational Success Factors: around 4 pages a. Apply at least four distinct theories, concepts, or studies from our course books. You must use both books. Focus on the chapters that we will have read by the paper due date: Work Motivation chapters 1-5 and Great Workplace chapters 1-5. Additional research is OK, of course. b. Use those theories, concepts, and/or study findings to describe your motivational success factors: i. What types of working conditions, management styles, work duties, salaries, benefits, coworkers, organizational design, etc. would motivate you and why; in other words, what would help you to be successful in this career? ii. What would not motivate you and why; in other words, what would make it difficult for you to succeed in this career? 6. Conclusion: around 1 page a. Summarize what you discussed in the paper. b. Describe the key discoveries you made about the motivational success factors for your career aspiration. c. Talk about what was surprising and what was not surprising. d. Talk about actions that you are going to take, based on what you learned

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