asthma pharmacology and nonpharmacology treatment essay writing services

Annotated Bibliography instruction

Annotated Bibliography: Individual written paper, maximum 2000 word.

*This assessment is an annotated bibliography of the literature consulted in the development the group case study book chapter.The chapter topic is on Asthma, which is a common acute medical condition affecting the Respiratory System. The bibliography topic needs to be on Relevant treatment options including pharmacology. The annotated bibliography needs to consist of 10 peer reviewed journal articles, with each annotation being 150-200 words each. The journal articles must be no older than 10 years

*Please use the marking guide to assist you with the structure and content of each annotation. This  annotation will be submitted via turnitin.

*An annotated bibliography provides a brief overview of current available research on a particular topic. It is an organised list of research articles that includes a succint description and evaluation of an article relevance to a topic. Each annotation is written in paragraph form and consists of 150-200 words

*Purpose of an Annotated Bibliography is to:

–  Review the current literature of a particular subject

-Provide an overview of research in the area of a particular subject

-Demonstrate quality and depth of reading on the particular subject

-Identify the variety of resources available

– Encourage critical evaluation of sources

-Identify areas of further research

Writing Style:

-Each annotation should be concise (150-200 words per annotation)

-Summarizing the theme of the article

-Compare and contrast the article with other cited articles in the bibliography

– Explain how the chosen work illuminates the chosen bibliography topic





*The contents of an Annotated Bibliography:

-APA referenced citation. The citation must go first followed by the annotation

Evaluation of the author’s background, journal publication and target audience

– Provide a succint overview of the article

-Identify the reseach methods, strengths, weaknesses and limitations

-Highlight any special features, such as charts, graphs etc, of the article that were unique or helpful

-Compare and contrast the article to other articles cited in the bibliography

-Discuss the relevance of the article to the chosen topic

– Provide and justify a mark out of 10 for each article

Example :-

Tornvall, E., & Wilhelmsson, S. (2008). Nursing documentation for communicating and evaluating care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(16), 2116-2124.

Nursing documentation represents an essential part of patient record and ensures a delivery of quality and safe care. This article has been published in the internationally, peer reviewed, scientific, Journal of Clinical Nursing. The authors are both RNs with PhD qualifications and have other journal publications. Both the authors and journal are considered creditable. The study was supported with grants from the medical research council of southeast Sweden. This implies the research did not provide an income and therefore no bias is evident in generating particular results.

The study was a descriptive, cross sectional study, which aimed to investigate the utility of electronic nursing documentation. Questionnaires were sent to general practitioners (GP) and care unit managers in hope to explore to what extent and for what purpose GP’s use nursing documentation and to what extent care unit managers use nursing documentation for quality development of care. The study enrolled 544 GP’s and 82 care unit managers.

The results suggest that 58% of GP’s use nursing documentation as a source of information about patient care and follow up treatment, and 51% of unit care managers’ use nursing documentation to evaluate patient care. The authors identified that some questions should have been formulated to generate a yes or no response. This would have given a more accurate view on the contents of the nursing records. No other limitations were identified.

This study is extensively researched with a strong design. The large sample size gives credit to the results, which highlights the need for nursing documentation to be clear and specific to fulfil its purpose of transferring information to ensure the delivery of quality patient care. This notion is also expressed in studies by Currie (2002), Fenton (2006) and Voutilainen, Isola & Murrinen (2004).


Article rating 8/10

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