(Assumptions, Principles, and Constraint) P r

(Assumptions, Principles, and Constraint) P r

(Assumptions, Principles, and Constraint) P r esented below a r e the assumptions, principles, and

constraint used in this chapte r .

1 . Economic entity assumption

2. Going concern assumption

3. Monetary unit assumption

4. Periodicity assumption

5. Measurement principle

(historica l cost)

6 . Measu r emen t principle

(fair value)

7 . Expense recognition principle

8. Full disclosu r e principle

9. Cost constraint

10 . Revenue recognition principle


Identify by number the accounting assumption, principle, or constraint that describes each situation below. Do not use a number more than once.

(a) Allocates expenses to revenues in the proper period.

(b) Indicates that fair value changes subsequent to pu r chase a r e not r eco r ded in the accounts. (Do not

use r evenue r ecognition principle.)

(c) Ensu r es that all r elevant financial information is r eported.

(d) Rational e wh y plan t asset s a r e no t r eporte d a t liquidatio n value . (D o no t us e historica l cos t principle.)

(e) Indicates that personal and business r eco r d keeping should be separately maintained.

(f) Separates financial information into time periods for r eporting purposes.

(g) Assumes that the dollar is the “measuring stick” used to r eport on financial performance.

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